• lucky streak 好运连连

    22-11-30 搭配 lucky streak 指 一系列相继发生的幸运事件,在同一段时间内运气好。它应与介词 on 搭配使用,即 be on a lucky streak。 例句 Every time Ive been on holiday this year, the weather has been amazing. What a lucky streak! 今年我每次去度假,天气都特别好。...

  • has a yellow streak 比较胆怯、不勇敢

    21-09-02 如果说某人 has a yellow streak, 那意思就是此人比较胆怯、不勇敢。 例句 We went rock climbing at the weekend. I loved it, but my friend refused to try it. Hes got a real yellow streak. The public accused the government minister of having a yellow stre...

  • has a yellow streak 胆怯、不勇敢

    21-08-09 如果说某人 has a yellow streak, 那意思就是此人比较胆怯、不勇敢。 例句 I invited my friend rock climbing at the weekend, but he refused. I told him to get rid of that yellow streak and show some courage! The public accused the government minister of...

  • Excuse my French 抱歉我说脏话了

    21-05-26 No.1 Excuse my french = Pardon my French Phrase mumbled insincerely immediately after or before one swears a blue streak within earshot of the elderly, the young, or the simply uptight 在人滔滔不绝的咒骂或说脏话前后不经意的咕哝的一句话(一般有老人或...

  • 各种“裸”的英译

    13-08-01 裸是个常用字,是露出、没有遮盖的意思,英文是naked。 赤裸裸往往用于比喻,如赤裸裸的骗子,英语说a swindler thorough and thorough。汉语赤膊(俗称光膀子),英语是bare to the waist或stripped to the waist。 西方的嬉皮士喜欢裸奔(dash naked,英语里还有一个...

  • 英国富豪悬赏百万招募在奥巴马面前裸奔的“勇士”

    10-08-21 英国星期日泰晤士报富豪排行中名列45位的亿万富豪阿奇戴维日前在自己的网站上公开悬赏100万美元招募能够成功在美国总统奥巴马面前裸奔的勇士。 A British billionaire, Alki David, has offered $1 million to the first person who manages to streak(飞跑,疾驰) n...
