• brilliant intelligence 神机妙算

    22-08-16 神机妙算,汉语成语,意思是机智巧妙的计谋。形容善于估计形势发展,决定策略。可以翻译为brilliant intelligence,miraculous strategy等。 例句: 诸葛亮以其神机妙算著称。 Zhuge Liang is well-known for his brilliant strategy....

  • 套路 下

    22-03-02 5. trap/setup trap和setup都作为名词,表示陷阱,即套路。 Dont buy his words. You will fall into his trap. 别信他的话,都是套路。 6. Honeydick Honeydick这个词意为为达自己目的而引诱某人,其中honey和dick既可以合为一个词,也可以分开来组成一个词组来用。...

  • strategy,scheme,tactic

    22-02-23 Strategy、scheme 和 tactic 有相似之处,也有细微的区别。 我们从 strategy 开始讲解。名词 strategy 指 策略,战略,也就是 为实现成功的结果而制定的详细计划,通常需要在很长一段时间内完成。比如,strategy 可以用来谈论公司在规划未来运营和交易方式时制定的战略...

  • encirclement of China 对华包围圈

    15-06-25 The United States' endeavor for the so-called encirclement of China in the South China Sea is causing concern among Chinese researchers. 美国正试图在南海构建所谓的对华包围圈引起中国一些学者的担忧。 美国国内的确有一股比较大的势力要求政府对华采取强硬...

  • 李克强总理政府工作报告语录

    14-03-07 1、像对贫困宣战一样,坚决向污染宣战。 We will declare war against pollution and fight it with the same determination we battled poverty. 2、深入贯彻依法治国基本方略,把政府工作全面纳入法治轨道,用法治思维和法治方式履行职责。 We will fully implement...

  • fat wife strategy 胖妻心理

    13-12-13 Fat wife strategy refers to men's preference to marry a fat woman because they believe fat women can make better wives. 胖妻心理指的是男人更愿意娶胖女人做老婆,因为他们认为胖女人更适合做老婆。 According to some magazine's research, 70 percent of men...

  • go global 走出去

    12-08-28 Some top non-State companies exchanged views on their go global strategies in Zhuhai, Guangdong province, over the weekend. 一些民营企业高层上周六在广东珠海就走出去战略交换了意见。 文中的go global strategy就是指走出去战略,也就是开拓海外市场,去海外...

  • 积极应对挫折有助于更好解决挫折

    11-07-17 There are days that leave the best of us feeling worn out and stressed. But venting your frustrations is the worst thing you can do, according to scientists. 生活中我们总会有感到筋疲力...
