• parachute kids 降落伞儿童

    22-10-12 青春期无人陪伴,心理发生异常无人引导,遭遇校园霸凌,无法融入当地社会一边是持续升温的低龄留学,另一边又是小留学生的辛酸故事。你的孩子真的适合低龄留学吗? Parachute kids are children sent to a new country to live alone or with a caregiver while their...

  • 17个用词句式都很简单具体意思一眼看不出来的句子

    22-05-23 1. As luck would have it, he was caught by the teacher again. 不幸的是,他又一次被老师逮个正着。 2. She held the little boy by the right hand. 她抓着小男孩的右手。(这里用by与用with意思区别很大。) 3. Are you there? 等于句型:Do you follow me? 4. If yo...

  • to stay ahead of the curve 占得先机,保持领先

    21-06-25 据说,英语表达to stay ahead of the curve 呆在曲线前面源自一个展示员工人数及其工作表现的曲线图,从该图表中可以看出,大多数人都集中在表现一般的范围内,只有少数优秀的人处于领先位置。所以,现在这个说法用来指企业或人站在时代或潮流的前沿,取得领先的优势。...

  • 原年人

    21-02-18 随着就地过年的大军日益壮大,原年人成为2021年春节独有的热词。 原年人,网络流行语,指为响应政府号召,减少人员流动,就地过年的人。可以翻译为People who choose to stay put during Spring Festival。 例句: 许多地方出台了鼓励人们原地过年的举措、政策和措施,...

  • 我很宅

    20-10-14 1 Im very indoorsy. 我很宅。 形容词indoorsy来自indoors(在室内的),多用于口语中。它的意思是喜欢室内的,强调与outdoorsy(喜欢户外活动的)人们相比,更愿意在家里度过闲暇时光的生活方式。 2 I like to stay at home. 我喜欢在家里待着。 这句话可以按字面意思...

  • staycation 宅度假

    16-01-08 Staycation is a portmanteau that combines stay and vacation and refers to a holiday that takes place either at or near home. 宅度假是由stay(宅)和vacation(度假)组成的混合词,指在家或家附近度假。 People might make day trips to local tourist sites,...

  • Chubby

    14-01-14 Chubby Annamaria Tadlock There once was a pony so fat, He couldn't walk so he sat, He tried walking one day, Fell face-flat in the hay and decided to stay where he's at....

  • 《忠犬八公的故事》四

    13-03-12 精彩对白 Parker: Hachi! Wife: That's great, Jake. Jake: Thanks. Parker: Kate. You seen Hachi? He wasn't at the station. Kate: No, I haven't seen him since this morning. Come here. Look at her. Can you believe they had her covered for 30 years? Isn't...
