• a leopard can't change its spots 江山易改,本性难移

    22-03-23 江山易改,本性难移,汉语成语,意思是人的本性的改变比江山的变迁还要难。形容人的内在秉性难以改变,与英文习语a leopard cant change its spots或a tiger cannot change its stripes意思相近,表示One cant change ones essential nature。 例句: 我们分手后,他回...

  • 太阳黑子消失 地球可能迎来迷你冰期

    16-07-05 The sun has gone completely blank for the second time this month suggesting that Earth could be heading for a mini ICE AGE. 本月已经第二次出现太阳黑子完全消失,这预示着地球可能迎来迷你冰期。 Earlier this month, there were no sunspots on the massive...

  • a leopard can't change its spots 江山易改,本性难移

    13-12-23 Jennifer: Hello, I'm Jennifer and this is Authentic Real English. I'm with Feifei, and we're here at the zoo! Feifei: 大家好!今天伦敦天气特别好,阳光灿烂,Jen 和我来到了动物园。We've already seen the elephants and penguins - I love the penguins, th...

  • 指甲上的白斑

    12-05-23 Some cultures see the white spots as a good luck sign, and even call them fortune or gift spots. There's also the old idea that someone with a white spot on a fingernail is in love, or that the number of white spots equals the number of sweethearts...
