• be undaunted by repeated setbacks 百折不挠

    20-09-17 百折不挠,汉语成语,意思是无论受到多少挫折都不退缩(never yield in spite of reverses),比喻意志坚强,品节刚毅。可以翻译为be undaunted by repeated setbacks;dauntless;relentless。 例句: 百折不挠的精神 unyielding/relentless spirit 尽管他的想法屡遭...

  • great spirit of combating the COVID-19 epidemic 伟大抗疫精神

    20-09-14 国家主席习近平9月8日出席全国抗击新冠肺炎疫情表彰大会并发表重要讲话。他指出,在这场同严重疫情的殊死较量中,中国人民和中华民族以敢于斗争、敢于胜利的大无畏气概,铸就了生命至上、举国同心、舍生忘死、尊重科学、命运与共的伟大抗疫精神。 President Xi Jinping...

  • education on the hard-working spirit 劳动教育

    20-09-11 《中共中央 国务院关于全面加强新时代大中小学劳动教育的意见》近日出台。《意见》强调,通过劳动教育,学生应具备满足生存发展需要的基本劳动能力,形成良好劳动习惯。 The Communist Party of China Central Committee and the State Council have unveiled a guidel...

  • The beauty of life

    15-04-14 Where shall you seek beauty, and how shall you find her unless she herself be your way and your guide? And how shall you speak of her except she be the weaver of your speech? The aggrieved and the injured say, Beauty is kind and gentle. Like a young...

  • slacktivism 懒人行动主义

    14-11-26 Slacktivism is a kind of activism (such as signing an online petition) that requires very little commitment or action. 懒人行动主义是指只需要很少承诺或行动的一种行动主义,比如在线签署请愿等。 Example: I had eventually come to the realization that we...

  • I have as much soul as you

    14-11-24 I tell you I must go! I retorted, roused to something like passion. Do you think I can stay to become nothing to you? Do you think I am an automaton? A machine without feelings? and can bear to have my morsel of bread snatched from my lips, and my d...

  • 一鼓作气

    14-08-26 During the Spring and Autumn Period, an army from the State of Qi confronted one from the State of Lu. After the first roll of drums from the Qi side to summon Lu to battle, the Lu ruler wanted to attack. But his counsellor Cao Gui said, We should w...

  • And the Greatest of These Is Love

    14-07-18 And the Greatest of These Is Love Doug Anderson I saw the Pentecostals when the spirit struck them get out of their van and rush to the downed power line as it popped and sparked, snake-whipping back and forth on the road between two lines of cop-st...

  • Beijing spirit 北京精神

    12-08-29 Patriotism, innovation, inclusion and social morals - according to a new poll, this group of words is what residents in the capital feel best sums up this bustling metropolis. 爱国、创新、包容、厚德这是首都市民在最近的调查中选出的最能概括这个大都市...

  • 大闹无底洞

    11-12-14 When Tang Priest and his three disciples come to Mount Pitfall there is a female mouse spirit there. As soon as she sees Tang Priest she falls in love with him. Since he is so handsome, she wants to marry him. The mouse spirit first changes herself...