• 鞭蜘蛛只是看起来很吓人

    16-03-16 Would you be willing to spend each night in the company of 300,000 bats -- all in the service of science? UCLA biologist Kenneth Chapin did just that, for several weeks in 2012 and 2014, while conducting research in darkened caves in Puerto Rico. In...

  • 蜘蛛偶尔也会吃素

    16-03-15 Spiders are known to be the classic example of insectivorous predators. Zoologists from the University of Basel, the US and UK have now been able to show that their diet is more diverse than expected. Their findings show that spiders like to spice u...

  • 蛛网与非损伤性基因取样

    16-01-14 Using web samples from black widow spiders fed with crickets, researchers at the University of Notre Dame have successfully used DNA samples to identify both the spider and the species of its prey. Such noninvasive sampling to obtain genetic informa...

  • 雄性黑寡妇蜘蛛破坏雌性的蛛网以阻止情敌

    15-07-14 Male black widow spiders destroy large sections of the female's web during courtship and wrap it up in their own silk. New research published in Animal Behaviour shows that this home-wrecking behavior deters rival males, by making the female's web l...

  • 蜘蛛在水面爬行时用蛛丝做锚

    15-07-07 Spiders travel across water like ships, using their legs as sails and their silk as an anchor, according to research published in the open access journal BMC Evolutionary Biology. The study helps explain how spiders are able to migrate across vast d...

  • 食鱼蜘蛛存在于世界各地

    14-06-20 Spiders are traditionally viewed as predators of insects. Zoologists from Switzerland and Australia have now published a study that shows: spiders all over the world also prey on fish. The academic journal PLOS ONE has just published the results. Al...

  • 巴西发现三种新的韦佛陷门蜘蛛

    13-11-21 Scientists discover three new gorgeous species of the wafer trapdoor genus Fufius -- F. minusculus, F. jalapensis, and F. candango. The discovery of the three new species, published in the open access journal ZooKeys, paves the road to understanding...

  • 加州黑寡妇蜘蛛逐渐被棕寡妇取代

    12-07-05 Brown widow spiders are relatively new to North America, where they were first documented in Florida in 1935, and even newer to southern California, where they were only recently discovered in 2003. However, in the last decade they have been so succ...

  • 基因改造桑蚕能吐更好的蚕丝

    12-01-09 Research was published this week showing that silk produced by transgenically-engineered silkworms(蚕) in the laboratory of Malcolm Fraser Jr., professor of biological sciences at University of Notre Dame, exhibits the highly sought-after strength...

  • 靠振动吸引异性的昆虫易被蜘蛛捕食

    11-03-30 Insects using vibration to attract a mate are at risk of being eaten alive by killer spiders, Cardiff University scientists have discovered. Studying spider behaviour experts from Cardiff University's School of Biosciences found that the vibrations...