• 史前灭绝植物莱式蕨的模拟图

    14-04-14 Jeff Benca is an admitted ber-geek when it comes to prehistoric plants, so it was no surprise that, when he submitted a paper describing a new species of long-extinct lycopod(石松植物) for publication, he ditched the standard line drawing and insi...

  • 蜂鸟2200万年的进化图

    14-04-06 The first comprehensive map of hummingbirds' 22-million-year-old family tree -- reconstructed based on careful analysis of 284 of the world's 338 known species -- tells a story of rapid and ongoing diversification. The decade-long study reported in...

  • 2.5亿年前的物种大灭绝由细菌引起

    14-04-02 Evidence left at the crime scene is abundant and global: Fossil remains show that sometime around 252 million years ago, about 90 percent of all species on Earth were suddenly wiped out -- by far the largest of this planet's five known mass extincti...

  • 马老西亚发现一种新蜘蛛

    14-03-28 As a spin-off ( pun双关语 intended) of their Tropical Biodiversity course in Malaysian Borneo, a team of biology students discover a new spider species, build a makeshift taxonomy(分类学) lab, write a joint publication and send it off to a major t...

  • 气候变化使蝾螈体型变小

    14-03-27 Wild salamanders(蝾螈) living in some of North America's best salamander habitat are getting smaller as their surroundings get warmer and drier, forcing them to burn more energy in a changing climate. That's the key finding of a new study, publish...

  • 浮游植物与海鸟共同影响海洋生态

    14-03-25 The top predators of the Southern Ocean, far-ranging seabirds, are tied both to the health of the ocean ecosystem and to global climate regulation through a mutual relationship with phytoplankton(浮游植物) , according to newly published work from...

  • 4.5亿年前已出现亲代抚育现象

    14-03-14 A portrait of prehistoric parenthood captured deep in the fossil record has been uncovered by an international team of scientists led by University of Leicester geologist Professor David Siveter. The 'nursery in the sea' has revealed a species new t...

  • 阿拉斯加发现一种小型霸王龙化石

    14-03-14 A 70 million year old fossil found in the Late Cretaceous sediments of Alaska reveals a new small tyrannosaur(霸王龙) , according to a paper published in the open-access journal PLOS ONE on March 12, 2014 by co-authors Anthony Fiorillo and Ronald...

  • 北美荒漠中发现两种新罂粟

    14-03-13 Who said that there is only sand in the deserts? Not quite desert roses, two new species of desert poppies from North America prove such statements wrong with their simple beauty. The newly described plants are found in the deserts of California and...

  • 火山帮助众多物种躲过冰河时期

    14-03-12 An international team of researchers has found evidence that the steam and heat from volcanoes and heated rocks allowed many species of plants and animals to survive past ice ages, helping scientists understand how species respond to climate change....