• 探究紫锥花谜一般的起源

    10-03-07 An Agricultural Research Service (ARS) scientist is helping to sort through the jumbled(乱七八糟的) genetics of Echinacea(紫锥花属) , the coneflower(金花菊) known for its blossoms--and its potential for treating infections, inflammation, and o...

  • 气候变化导致千屈菜向北“迁移”

    10-02-27 The flowering plant(开花植物) - purple loosestrife(千屈菜) - has been heading north since it was first introduced from Europe to the eastern seaboard 150 years ago. This exotic(外来的,异国的) invader chokes out native species and has dramatic...

  • 珊瑚礁是物种进化的理想地区

    10-01-08 Coral reefs give rise to many more new species than other tropical marine habitats, according to a new study. 一项新研究显示,珊瑚礁比其它热带海洋栖息地容易产生更多的新物种。 The reefs are centres of evolution as well as biodiversity Scientists used...

  • 新发现的食肉恐龙改变了进化树

    09-12-11 Paleontologists, aided by amateur业余的 volunteers, have unearthed发掘 a previously unknown meat-eating dinosaur from a fossil bone bed骨层 in northern New Mexico, settling a debate about early dinosaur evolution, revealing a period of explosive div...

  • 物种灭绝的威胁增加

    09-11-03 More than a third of species assessed in a major international biodiversity study are threatened with extinction, s cientists have warned. 科学家警告,一项主要的国际生物多样性研究评估得出结论,超过三分之一的物种处于灭绝的危险之中。 The Kihansi spray...

  • New fears for species extinctions 物种灭绝引发新的担忧

    09-10-12 Scientists have warned of an alarming increase in the extinction of animal species, because of threats to biodiversity and ecosystems. 科学家就动物物种灭绝速率的惊人上升提出警告,因为生物品种和生态系统正遭到威胁。 Scientists say nations have not hon...
