• final solution 最终方案

    22-09-27 澳大利亚参议员Fraser Anning日前在该国议会发表呼吁禁止穆斯林移民的讲话,这引发了广泛谴责。在他的讲话中说到:The final solution to the immigration problem is of course a popular vote 移民问题的最终解决方案当然是全民投票。 即使不在仇外语境中,短语final...

  • rob Peter to pay Paul 挖东墙补西墙

    22-07-30 挖东墙补西墙,汉语成语,字面意思是挖这里的去补那里(take from the eastern wall to repair the western one),比喻勉强应付,临时救急,不是根本办法。可以翻译为rob Peter to pay Paul或resort to a makeshift solution等。 例句: 挖东墙补西墙可不行,你还是得...

  • stare in the face 就在眼前

    21-12-24 当某人或某事 stares you in the face 的时候,这个形容比喻什么事情很明显,就在眼前。 例句 The detective realised soon that he had been staring the solution to the crime in the face all along: the murderer was the butler! If we calm down in a crisis we...

  • stare you in the face 很明显

    21-08-16 当某人或某事 stare you in the face 的时候,比喻什么事情很明显,就在眼前。 例句 The detective realised soon that the solution to his case had been staring him in the face all along: the murderer was the butler! If we stay calm in a crisis we might fi...

  • rack one's brains 绞尽脑汁

    21-06-11 绞尽脑汁,意思是苦思积虑,费尽脑筋,想尽办法;形容费尽心思去思考一件事情。与英文俗语rack ones brains或cudgel ones brains意思相近,表示strain to remember or find a solution。 例句: 他整个周末绞尽脑汁想办法解决这个问题。 He racked his brains all week...

  • 外带咖啡纸杯的“回收难题”

    21-02-10 在现代社会中,外带咖啡纸杯很常见,但这些纸杯给回收工作带来了难题。尽管原则上它们是被回收了,但目前的回收的方式意味着几乎没有纸杯可被持续循环利用。不过,一些专攻创新的群体找到了可能解决此问题的方法。 Millions of us grab a coffee on our way to work. A...

  • 为鼓励创新和解决问题设置“挑战奖”

    21-02-09 当你遇到困难的时候,会怎么办?找专家?问朋友?或者你会找陌生人来帮你解决问题,你付钱给他们作为回报?这正是挑战奖背后的初衷。近来,挑战奖这个概念再次受到人们的欢迎。 What do you do when you have a problem? Do you go to an expert, ask your friends to...

  • 量子技术挑战简单的解决办法

    14-10-30 A solution to one of the key challenges in the development of quantum technologies has been proposed by University of Sussex physicists. In a paper published today (28 October) in Nature Communications, Professor Barry Garraway and colleagues show h...

  • 大规模制造金纳米棒的技术得以完善

    13-11-20 North Carolina State University researchers have developed a technique for efficiently producing nanoscale gold rods in large quantities while simultaneously controlling the dimensions of the nanorods and their optical properties. The optical proper...

  • 巴西总统敦促伊朗解决核问题

    09-11-24 Brazil has reaffirmed its support for Iran's right to a civilian nuclear programme, but called for a just and balanced solution with the West. 巴西重申了对伊朗建设民用核设施权利的支持,但是呼吁伊朗与西方国家采取公正、平衡的解决方式。 President Ahmad...
