• thirdhand smoke 三手烟

    22-09-28 我们都很熟悉二手烟的危害,就是在点燃的香烟旁吸入烟雾。而上周发表的研究警告说,我们可能会接触到比以前想象更多的三手烟。 三手烟指烟草的烟雾毒素渗入衣服、家具和其他室内物体表面,然后再循环进入空气中根据这项研究显示,即使经过很多年,其含量仍会在空气中高...

  • 麦田里的守望者 Chapter 6

    22-09-13 Some things are hard to remember. Im thinking now of when Stradlater got back from his date with Jane. I mean I cant remember exactly what I was doing when I heard his goddam stupid footsteps coming down the corridor. I probably was still looking ou...

  • Of Human Bondage 人性的枷锁 Chapter 58

    22-07-21 Philip woke early next morning, and his first thought was of Mildred. It struck him that he might meet her at Victoria Station and walk with her to the shop. He shaved quickly, scrambled into his clothes, and took a bus to the station. He was there...

  • 野火可能会减缓臭氧层恢复

    22-05-20 一项新研究表明,随着全球变暖,日益频发的野火可能会减缓臭氧层的恢复。 The study found the Australian bushfires two years ago were so intense that smoke rose into the atmosphere, causing a complex set of chemical reactions that led to the loss of ozon...

  • 研究称英国因肥胖致癌病例数上升

    21-04-07 一项大型研究结果显示,在英国,超重或肥胖逐渐成为致癌一大要因,而因吸烟致癌的病例数正在减少。英国癌症研究所(Cancer Research UK)发现,约有三分之一的癌症病例是可预防的。他们还发现由体重超标导致的癌症所占比率已从2011年的5.5%升至现在的6.3%;而因吸烟致...

  • 吸烟梦破灭?

    21-02-28 The hope many smokers have of being able to enjoy their habit without restrictions might go up in smoke as the World Health Organisation (WHO) calls for a ban on e-cigarettes indoors. The organisation believes this alternative to conventional cigare...

  • 谁还在吸烟?

    21-01-02 If you walked into a cafe or pub in the UK a few years ago, chances were youd enter a room filled with cigarette smoke. The aroma of burning tobacco lingered on your clothes for the rest of day and your health took a battering from passive smoking....

  • 加州山火蔓延 景象恍若火星

    20-09-11 The Bay Area in California awoke Wednesday to a scene straight out of Mars. 本周三,加州旧金山湾区景象恍若火星。 Orange and even red skies blanketed San Francisco, Oakland and Berkeley, and ash rained down, with wildfires raging far in the distance....

  • 福建消防部门装备消防机器人

    18-12-14 Sixty firefighting robots were handed over to local authorities in the city of Ningde in southeast Chinas Fujian Province on Wednesday, reports Chinanews.com. 60辆消防机器人周三被交付给福建宁德地方政府。 The robots were developed by Kaicheng Intelli...

  • 高铁上吸烟的旅客将禁坐180天

    18-03-20 Travelers who smoke on bullet trains or the no-smoking areas on ordinary trains could be banned from train travel for 180 days, according to new guidelines issued by Chinas government. 中国政府新发布的一项指导方针显示,在高铁上或者普通列车的禁烟区内...