• 打电话必备英文表达

    21-10-27 Hello, this is Jerry. 你好,我是杰瑞。 May I speak to John? 我可以和约翰通电话吗? I will get him. Hold on please. 我去叫他,请稍等。 I am sorry. John is out of the office today. Would you like to leave a message? 抱歉,约翰今天不在公司里。你需要留...

  • Laggy 迟缓(一般形容网络)

    21-10-09 Laggy 迟缓(一般形容网络) 英文释义: Slow and takes forever to work. 当你的wifi速度很慢的时候,你就可以说: My WI-FI these days has been behaving pretty laggy. 我的无线网这几天都很慢...

  • in a leisurely manner 慢条斯理

    21-08-09 慢条斯理,汉语成语,形容说话做事慢腾腾,不慌不忙。可以翻译为in a leisurely manner,unhurried and unperturbed,或very slow and unperturbed等。 例句: 他说话做事总是慢条斯理的。 He always speaks slowly and acts unhurriedly. 他慢条斯理、不慌不忙地爬上...

  • Time sure does move fast. 一日三秋。

    21-06-30 Time sure does move fast / slow 【原句】Time sure does move fast. Time sure does move slow. 【翻译】一日三秋。度日如年。 【场景】Caroline和Max回到Han餐厅碰到Earl,Earl很惊奇地看着她俩,问着是不是已经去过好莱坞,还感叹时间好快。随后Caroline回复他还没...

  • “慢慢地”有哪些地道表达

    20-11-14 1 At a slow pace 缓慢进行 我们用这个短语来形容某事或某人进行或移动缓慢。 They are going at a slow pace with the investigation to ensure they dont make a mistake. 他们正在缓慢地进行调查,以确保准确无误。 2 Without hurrying 它的意思是做一些不紧急的事...

  • slow art 慢艺术

    20-09-27 Slow art is art created or presented in a way that encourages unhurried viewing and deep contemplation; a work of art that unfolds over a long time. 慢艺术是为了鼓励人们从容观看和深思而创造或展示的艺术,是让你花长时间去欣赏的一件艺术品。 Famous art...

  • 慢性地震可能预示重大事故的发生

    13-08-16 Monitoring slow earthquakes may provide a basis for reliable prediction in areas where slow quakes trigger normal earthquakes, according to Penn State geoscientists. We currently don't have any way to remotely monitor when land faults are about to m...

  • 南极冰盖消融 生物移动速度加快

    13-07-12 It might be cold in the Antarctic, but that doesn't mean that life there necessarily moves slowly. A report appearing in Current Biology, a Cell Press publication, on July 11 reveals the discovery of a surprisingly fast-growing community of glass sp...

  • Tom's excuse 汤姆的借口

    12-01-19 Teacher: Tom, why are you late for school every day? Tom: Every time I come to the corner, a sign says, School-Go Slow. 老师:汤姆,您为什么每天上学迟到? 汤姆:我每次路过拐角,一个路标上面写着:学校----慢行。...

  • Mobile TV 'very slow' to take off 移动电视发展“缓慢”

    09-08-24 Mobile TV has so far failed to deliver on its promise of ubiquity, but analysts expect worldwide user numbers to increase to 54 million in 2009. 移动电视到目前为止没有实现其到处存在的承诺,但是分析家认为世界范围内的用户将会在2009年达到5400万人。 Ind...