• 《爱丽丝梦游仙境-2》第4章

    22-12-21 Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!Alice screamed as she tumbled through a brilliantly colored sky. The ground was rushing toward her at an alarming rate, and unlike during her tumble down the rabbit hole, there were no objects to slow her descent. Oof! Alice landed...

  • be poker-faced 一本正经

    22-07-04 一本正经,汉语成语,形容态度庄重严肃,郑重其事,有时含讽刺意味。可以翻译为be poker-faced,become serious/stuffy等。 例句: 为什么成年人总是那么一本正经,对好点子反应那么迟缓呢? Why were grown-ups always so stuffy and slow to recognize good ideas?...

  • exert all one's strength 卖力气

    22-04-15 卖力气,汉语词语,字面意思是靠出卖自己的劳动力生活(live by the sweat of ones brow),形容尽量使出自己的力量。可以翻译为do ones best,exert all ones strength等。 例句: 她做事可能有点慢,但却是个肯卖力气的人。 She may be slow, but she always does he...

  • slow burner 逐渐有趣,缓步成功

    22-02-23 搭配 slow burner 用来描述 随着时间的推移而变得越来越有趣、成功或愉快的人或事物。 例句 I didnt enjoy the film at first, but by the end it was so exciting I couldnt stop watching. It was a bit of a slow burner. 我一开始不喜欢这部电影,但到最后却很精彩...