• sit tight 安静地等待

    22-05-11 (To) Sit tight To sit tight is a strange English idiom and it literally means that you sit down squeezing your body in a tight way, which if you did it would be very uncomfortable, not to mention youll look really strange. 这是个有点陌生的英文俚语,...

  • sit down with someone 和某人讨论

    21-10-29 没错,sit down with someone不是和某人坐一起,而是和某人讨论。 例句: Ill sit down with her and decide what to do next. 我要和她讨论一下,决定下一步该怎么做。 I will sit down with John tomorrow and see if he will change his mind. 我明天会和约翰谈谈,...

  • to sit tight 耐心等待,按兵不动

    21-07-05 表达 to sit tight 坐紧了实际要表达的意思是保持不动,待在原来所在的位置或保持原来的姿势。这个短语常被用在让人安心等待,按兵不动的语境中。 例句 I know youre in a hurry, but if you could just sit tight for a moment, I will get you those documents befor...

  • sit by and watch 作壁上观

    21-04-01 作壁上观,汉语成语,原指双方交战,自己站在壁垒上旁观(watch the fighting from the ramparts)。后多比喻站在一旁看着,不动手帮助,可以翻译为sit by and watch,be an onlooker/by-stander。 例句: 他们吵得不可开交,你要去制止,不能作壁上观。 They are quar...

  • A Telephone Call

    15-12-25 PLEASE, God, let him telephone me now. Dear God, let him call me now. I won't ask anything else of You, truly I won't. It isn't very much to ask. It would be so little to You, God, such a little, little thing. Only let him telephone now. Please, God...

  • If you want nothing

    12-04-10 The crow(乌鸦) was sitting on the tree doing nothing all a day. A small rabbit saw the crow, and asked him: Can I also sit like you and do nothing all day long? The crow answered: Sure, why not? So the rabbit sat on the ground below the crow, and...
