• 美剧里常说的俚语 1

    22-04-26 1 24/7 一天二十四小时;一周七天;一直;持续地 My little sister irritates me 24/7! 我的小妹妹整天都在惹我生气! 2 A short fuse 急性子 Jamie is known for his short fuse; just a few days ago he screamed at his coach for not letting him play. 杰米真是个...

  • 询问信息

    22-02-15 G: Who else is going to be there? H: Im inviting you, my sister, and several friends from work and school. G: Your sister? She is such a party animal. She parties really hard. H: Yeah. So you neednt worry sitting there by yourself. G: Exactly! I rea...

  • watch the world go by 与世界擦身而过

    22-01-04 Watch the world go by 与世界擦身而过 例句 My sister loves sitting on her balcony. She sits there for hours watching the world go by. I didnt read my book in the cafe. I was just watching the world go by. 请注意 另一个包含 world 一词的短语是 to mean...

  • to sail through it 轻松通过

    21-12-17 如果你 sail through 什么事情,这就是说你轻轻松松,非常顺利地就完成了这件事情。 例句 My sister sailed through her exams and is looking forward to starting university. Dont worry about your job interview, youll sail through it. We sailed through the t...

  • at each other's throats 唇枪舌战地争吵

    21-12-14 并不是所有的时候大家都能够和平相处,难免有争执的情况发生。当这些争吵变得非常激烈,双方说话尖锐,态度也很强硬的时候,我们就可以用 at each others throats 卡住对方的脖子来形容他们激烈争吵,对峙、互不相让的状态。 例句 I thought they were happily married...

  • leave no stone unturned 竭尽全力

    21-12-02 成语 leave no stone unturned 的字面意思是把每块石头都翻过来,看下面有没有藏东西,这个表达的实际含义是想尽一切办法寻找答案。这是一个褒义成语,可用于体现一个人或组织全力以赴,不遗余力地去做一件事情,尤其是在寻找什么事物的时候。 例句 The chief inspecto...

  • Northanger Abbey - Chapter 4

    21-11-29 With more than usual eagerness did Catherine hasten to the pump-room the next day, secure within herself of seeing Mr. Tilney there before the morning were over, and ready to meet him with a smile; but no smile was demandedMr. Tilney did not appear....

  • smart cookie 聪明的人

    21-11-24 smart cookie是一个习惯用语,在形容人的时候,指的是聪明的人。 例句: It shouldnt be too hard for a smart cookie like you to learn English well. 对你这样聪明的人来说,学好英语并不难。 When my sister was only ten years old I saw what a smart cookie she...

  • off the hook

    21-11-02 意为从麻烦中脱身,可以想象一条鱼脱离鱼钩的样子。 -He paid all the fines so hes finally off the hook now. 他把罚款都缴清了,现在终于无事一身轻了。 -My sister broke up with her fiance, so Im off the hook for buying her a wedding present. 我姐姐和她未...

  • two heads are better than one 人多智广

    21-08-30 Two heads are better than one 直译是两个头脑比一个强,其实就是汉语里的人多智广或人多力量大的意思。 例句 I can help you to have this presentation ready tomorrow morning. Lets work together. Two heads are better than one. My sister and I discussed lot...