• 宇航员未来或穿着收缩式宇航服

    14-09-20 For future astronauts, the process of suiting up may go something like this: Instead of climbing into a conventional, bulky, gas-pressurized suit, an astronaut may don a lightweight, stretchy garment, lined with tiny, musclelike coils. She would the...

  • Russia economy 'to shrink 7.5%' 俄国2009经济将“衰退7.5%”

    09-10-12 Russia's economy will shrink by 7.5% in 2009, President Dmitry Medvedev has said - but claimed Kremlin intervention had prevented a worse decline. 俄国总统梅德韦杰夫称,2009年俄国经济将萎缩7.5%,但是他声称克里姆林宫的干预已经阻止了更坏衰退的出现。 O...

  • 'Stress' is shrinking polar bears “压力”迫使北极熊体型收缩

    09-08-26 Polar bears have shrunk over the last century, according to research. 研究显示,上个世纪北极熊的体态有所下降。 Environmental stresses could be causing physical changes in the bears Scientists compared bear skulls from the early 20th Century with tho...
