• 韩国发生枪击事件 四人死亡

    15-02-27 Four people were killed and one was injured in a South Korean air-rifle shooting rampage in Hwaseong, Gyeonggy Province, Yonhap News Agency reported Friday. 韩国联合通讯社周五报道, 京畿道华城市发生气枪乱枪扫射事件,四人死亡一人受伤。 Police receive...

  • 美国九岁女童意外枪杀射击教练

    14-08-27 A nine year-old girl in the US has killed her shooting instructor by accident while being shown how to use a high-powered automatic weapon. 美国一名九岁女童意外将她的射击教练打死,案发时她正在被教练指导如何使用一款高性能自动武器。 The instructor was...

  • 里约某棚户区发生枪战 3人丧生

    14-06-24 Three people have been killed in a shoot-out between police and alleged drug traffickers in a shanty town in the Brazilian city of Rio de Janeiro. 巴西里约热内卢一座棚户区,警察与毒品贩子发生枪战,3人丧生。 Two youths and a police officer died in th...

  • 美国新奥尔良市发生枪击案 11人受伤

    13-05-13 Nineteen people have been wounded in a shooting at a Mother's Day parade in the US city of New Orleans, police say. 美国城市新奥尔良,11人在母亲节当天举行的游行中遭枪击受伤。 The victims included two children who were grazed by bullets. Police say m...

  • 美国康涅狄格州出台严厉控枪法案

    13-04-03 美国康涅狄格州立法会最近提出了一份控枪立法议案,禁止销售高载弹量弹夹,对所有私人枪支交易进行背景审查,同时对手中持有十颗以上子弹弹夹的用户进行登记。此外,该法案还规定,在该州购买任何武器需先获得资格证。 Connecticut state legislators have reached a d...

  • Ashamed Soldier 惭愧的士兵

    11-10-28 Peter joined the army when he was eighteen, and for several months he was taught how to be a good soldier. He did quite well in everything except shooting. One day he and his friends were practicing their shooting, and all of them were doing quite w...

  • Being Properly Equipped

    11-03-01 A female newscaster(新闻广播员) is interviewing the leader of a youth club: Interviewer: So, Mr. Jones, what are you going to do with these children on this adventure holiday? Mr. Jones: We're going to teach them climbing, canoeing(划艇,独木舟)...

  • 美国防部长要求军队自检

    09-11-20 A review of US Army and Pentagon policies has been ordered by the defence secretary in the wake of a shooting at a military base. 胡特军事基地枪击案发生之后,国防部长下令对美国陆军和五角大楼政策进行自察。 Thirteen people were shot dead on the Fort H...

  • 美国枪击案使国民陷入悲伤

    09-11-07 US President Barack Obama has said the entire nation is grieving after a shooting that killed 13 people at a Texas army base. 美国总统奥巴马称,德克萨斯军事基地枪击案之后,整个国家陷入悲痛之中。 He said he had ordered all flags at the White House an...

  • 美军军事基地发生致死枪击案

    09-11-06 Twelve people have been killed and 31 injured in a shooting at the Fort Hood military base in Texas, the commander there has said. 美国德克萨斯州福特胡德军事基地发生枪击案,造成12人死亡,31人受伤。 US officials identified the shooter as Major Malik...