• 应对气候变化:船舶限速益处 “巨大”

    20-11-21 一项新报告称,降低船舶速度对人类、自然和气候都有巨大益处。减速20%不仅能减少温室气体排放,还能减少危害人类健康的污染物质,比如黑碳和氮氧化物。 Ships of all sorts and sizes transport around 80% of the worlds goods by volume. But these voyages come at...

  • 中国将继续护航任务抵御海盗威胁

    17-04-28 The Chinese Peoples Liberation Army (PLA) Navy will continue escort missions, a long-term task, Yang Yujun, spokesperson of the Ministry of National Defense (MOD) said at a press briefing Thursday. 国防部发言人杨宇军周四在一场新闻发布会上表示,中国...

  • 中国舰队开始为期半年的国外友好访问

    17-04-24 A fleet of three Chinese naval ships left Shanghai Sunday morning for public relations visits to more than 20 countries. 中国三艘军舰周日上午离开上海开始20多个国家的公共关系访问。 The fleet, composed of missile destroyer Changchun, missile frigate J...

  • 台风银河在海南省登陆

    16-07-27 Typhoon Mirinae made landfall in south Chinas Hainan Province on Tuesday night as the National Meteorological Center (NMC) issued a blue-alert. 台风银河本周二晚在中国海南省登陆,中央气象台发布蓝色预警。 Mirinae, Chinas third typhoon this year, lande...

  • 世界最大集装箱船开始处女航

    14-12-08 CSCL (China Shipping Container Lines Co.Ltd) Globe, the world's largest container vessel, started its maiden voyage to Europe on Monday in Shanghai. 中国海运集团环球号轮船,世界上最大的集装箱船,周一在上海开始了其目的地为欧洲的处女航。 The CSCL Glob...

  • 威尼斯将限制游艇过港数量

    13-11-06 The Italian government has announced it will begin to limit the number of large cruise ships that pass through Venice. 意大利政府宣布将开始限制通过威尼斯的大型游艇的数量。 Environmentalists have protested against the ships in recent years, saying th...

  • 美国近岸战舰将装备新式喷水推进器

    13-02-06 The Navy's fifth Littoral Combat Ship (LCS), Milwaukee, will be the first to benefit from new high-power density waterjets(喷水式推进器) aimed at staving off rudder(船舵) and propeller damage experienced on high-speed ships. The product of an Of...

  • 货船进港时限速能降低空气污染

    12-10-25 Putting a speed limit on cargo ships as they sail near ports and coastlines could cut their emission of air pollutants by up to 70 percent, reducing the impact of marine shipping on Earth's climate and human health, scientists have found. Their eval...

  • 卡梅伦:英国船只可配备武器抵御海盗

    11-10-30 Ships sailing under a British flag will be able to carry armed guards to protect them from pirates, the prime minister has announced. 英国首相卡梅伦宣布,所有悬挂英国国旗的船只均可配备武器以抵抗海盗袭击。 David Cameron says he wants to combat the ri...

  • 数十只船只被困波罗的海海冰之中

    10-03-05 Four ships have broken free after being stuck in the ice in the Baltic Sea, but around 50 remain stuck, officials say. 四艘船只从波罗的海海冰之中成功破冰而出,但是仍然有大约50只船只被困其中。 Some ships are stranded(搁浅) in the waters between Sto...