• 内应力决定细胞的形状

    14-04-17 From far away, the top of a leaf looks like one seamless surface; however, up close, that smooth exterior is actually made up of a patchwork(拼缀物) of cells in a variety of shapes and sizes. Interested in how these cells individually take on thei...

  • 匈牙利发现新的恐龙化石

    14-03-10 A new dinosaur species found in Portugal may be the largest land predator discovered in Europe, as well as one of the largest carnivorous(食肉的) dinosaurs from the Jurassic, according to a paper published in PLOS ONE on March 5, 2014 by co-author...

  • 细胞形状影响躯体受损组织修复

    14-02-10 Getting in the right shape might be just as important in a biology lab as a gym. Shape is thought to play an important role in the effectiveness of cells grown to repair or replace damaged tissue in the body. To help design new structures that enabl...

  • 染色体结构不是X形

    13-09-26 A new method for visualising chromosomes is painting a truer picture of their shape, which is rarely like the X-shaped blob of DNA most of us are familiar with. Scientists at the BBSRC-funded Babraham Institute, working with the University of Cambri...

  • 加拿大研究人员研制随时改变颜色和形状的衣服

    13-04-28 加拿大康科迪亚大学设计与计算艺术系的研究人员正在研制一种能够随穿着者的行为随时改变颜色和形状的衣服;另外,这种衣服的布料中织入了电子纤维织物,能够让衣服存储人体产生的能量,手机没电时,衣服就能给手机充电。 Clothes that change their color and shape de...

  • 流水侵蚀也会形成尖角和边缘

    12-11-13 Erosion(侵蚀) caused by flowing water does not only smooth out objects, but can also form distinct shapes with sharp points and edges, a team of New York University researchers has found. Their findings, which appear in the latest edition of the j...

  • 威尔•史密斯成身材最有型老爸

    12-06-22 父亲节前夕,一家国际健身机构通过Facebook让网友投票选择他们心目中身材最有型的老爸。结果,黑衣人威尔史密斯所得票数竟然超过足球巨星贝克汉姆,成功登顶;小贝则屈居第二。排在第三位的型爸是在《复仇者联盟》中扮演雷神托尔的克里斯海姆斯沃斯。 Will Smith has b...

  • 《牛仔裤的夏天2》一

    11-09-19 影片对白 Ian: Are you stalking me? Carmen: Oh, God, it's you. Ian: Shouldn't that be my line? Oh, no, mine would be, Oh, bollocks , it's her. I'm British, you know. Carmen: Oh, really? And here I was thinking, He does a really good accent. Ian: Gets...

  • 人体“圆润型”基因被发现

    10-10-11 The parts of our DNA which may influence body shape, including the classic apple or pear shape in women, have been revealed. 人体DNA的某些部分可能会影响到体型,例如女士经典的苹果型圆润型体型。日前这些部分已被发现。 The genes help determine body shap...

  • 超新星爆炸残骸可保持原状

    09-12-18 At a very early age, children learn how to classify objects according to their shape. Now, new research suggests studying the shape of the aftermath余波,后果 of supernovas超新星 may allow astronomers天文学家 to do the same. A new study of images fr...