• 女球员穿为男性设计的球靴更易受伤

    23-01-29 体育科学家们发表文章强调,目前市场上缺乏专为女性设计的足球装备。他们说,使用专为男球员设计的球靴和足球可能会增加女球员受伤的风险。 The profile and popularity of womens football has soared in recent years. But most products are still predominantly de...

  • 《机器人总动员》第28章

    22-12-14 On the broken freeway overpass where his master had left him, WALL Es lonely cockroach was still obediently waiting. Suddenly, a red dot appeared on the ground. Gently at first, the ground began to shake. The little roach looked back at the sky. A d...

  • 《赛车总动员》第6章

    22-11-16 When Lightning opened his eyes the next morning, he could hardly make out the blurry shape in front of him. Oh, boy , Lightning said groggily. Where am I? What? Lightning squinted. It took him a moment to figure out what he was looking at: a rusty o...

  • paint the Forth Bridge 永无止尽的任务

    22-06-28 paint the Forth Bridge 永无止尽的任务 原指苏格兰中部的福斯铁路大桥表面刷漆的浩大工程,据说等到把桥梁全部油漆一遍之后,前面的已经褪色,就又得开始重新油漆了,所以paint the Forth Bridge意为永无止境的或艰巨的任务。 例: Keeping the countys roads in good...

  • 宝宝不开心

    22-05-12 1. Heart sinks 小心脏往下一沉,可想而知有多伤心了。 My heart sank when I saw the amount of work waiting for me. 看到有那么多工作等着我做,我很不开心。 2. Face like a wet week-end 大好的周末时光,外面却下起了雨,所有嗨皮计划都泡汤,宝宝的不开心全写在...

  • 饺子起源的传说

    22-01-29 马上就到大年三十啦,你家有吃饺子的习俗吗?过年吃饺子是中国北方延续已久的传统年俗。 关于饺子的起源传说众多,其中一种说法是饺子源于东汉时期,为医圣张仲景首创。当时饺子是药用,张仲景用面皮包上一些祛寒的药材用来治病(羊肉、胡椒等),避免病人耳朵上生冻疮...

  • 用英语谈论“元宵节”

    21-09-29 农历正月十五元宵节是春节年俗中最后一个节令。元宵节也被大家俗称为 灯节。节日当天各地庆祝的习俗包括吃汤圆,点灯笼,猜灯谜。下面六道题测试和这个传统节日有关的语言知识。通过做这些题目学习描述 元宵节 的英语语句。 1. Lantern Festival ______ the end of the...