• 塑造自己独特的嗅觉

    15-07-01 Each of us has, in our nose, about six million smell receptors of around four hundred different types. The distribution of these receptors varies from person to person - so much so that each person's sense of smell may be unique. In research recentl...

  • Where the Arrows Fell

    14-12-22 Where the Arrows Fell V. Penelope Pelizzon At the upturns of your grin, the red beard This year's begun threading itself with white. Each agd hair a gift -- kiss -- from you. You're joking, mostly. But in some deeper sense It's true: we're married n...

  • gaydar 同性恋感应雷达

    14-12-17 Gay people really do have an inbuilt radar that helps them seek out like-minded souls, scientists have shown. 科学家表示,同性恋人群的确有一个类似内置雷达的感应体系能帮他们搜寻到同类。 This sixth sense, or 'gaydar', ensures they pay more attention t...

  • 植入传感器的新型人造皮肤能让人重获感知

    14-12-14 A new form of artificial skin, threaded with a network of artificial sensors, could recreate the sense of touch for people wearing prosthetic limbs, researchers revealed. 研究人员透露,一种植入传感器网络的新型人造皮肤能让戴假肢的人重获感知体验。 Res...

  • dress sense 着装品位

    14-08-28 Dress sense is a person's taste about what and how to wear. 着装品位是一个人对着装打扮的审美喜好。 Six in ten bosses (62 percent) say an interviewee's dress sense has a big impact on their employability. 十分之六的老板(62%)表示,面试者的着装品位对...

  • 《朋友也上床》五

    12-11-05 精彩对白 Dylan: Here we are. Jamie: This is beautiful. Dylan: Yeah, this is where I used to come to think. My rooftop. Jamie: Okay, how high do you think that fence is? Dylan: I'm a little over 6 foot. Looks like it's about three of me. So six times...

  • 昆虫可从食草哺乳动物的呼吸中感知危险

    10-08-10 When plant-eating mammals(哺乳类) such as goats chomp(咬牙) on a sprig(小枝,图钉) of alfalfa(苜蓿) , they could easily gobble up(狼吞虎咽) some extra protein in the form of insects that happen to get in their way. But a new report in the...

  • 方向感是与生俱来的

    10-06-18 Are we born with an innate(先天的,固有的) sense of direction, or is it learned? Research from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology's Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience(神经系统科学) suggests that the brain comes hard-wired w...

  • 威廉综合症患病儿童缺乏应有的社交谨慎感

    10-04-13 Children with the genetic condition known as Williams syndrome(综合症) have unusually friendly natures because they lack the sense of fear that the rest of us feel in many social situations. Now, a study reported in the April 13th issue of Current...

  • Tech gives humans animal senses 科技给人以动物的感觉

    09-08-10 A virtual reality exhibit is giving visitors the extreme ranges of sight and hearing that many animals have. 一套虚拟现实设备可以给人许多动物的极致的视野和听觉。 The view of a bird's nest is different in visible, infrared, and ultraviolet The so-cal...