• 逛超市用得到哪些实用表达

    22-02-15 I need to pick up a few things. 我想买点东西。 What do you need to buy? 你要买什么? Ill get a shopping cart so we dont have to carry everything. 我去拿个购物车,这样就不用什么都拿在手上了。 *shopping cart意思是购物车 Is this on sale? 这个在打折吗...

  • 港珠澳大桥主体部分通过检验

    18-02-07 The main body of Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge has been inspected and approved, meaning the worlds longest sea-crossing bridge is now ready to open to traffic. 香港-珠海-澳门大桥主体部分已经通过检验,这座世界上最长的跨海大桥即将开放通车。 The bridge...
