• Jingwei determines to fill up the sea

    14-03-10 On Fajiu Hill there grew a lot of mulberry(桑树) bushes. In the mulberry bushes lived a bird that looked like a crow, but had a colorful head, a white bill and two red claws. Its call sounded like its name: Jingwei. The bird was said to be Emperor...

  • 北极不冻期每十年延长五天

    14-03-06 The ice-free season across the Arctic is getting longer by five days per decade, according to new research from a team including Prof Julienne Stroeve (Professor of Polar Observation and Modelling at UCL Earth Sciences). New analysis of satellite da...

  • 海平面上涨危及海边的世界遗产

    14-03-06 Some of the world's most recognisable and important landmarks could be lost to rising sea-levels if current global warming trends are maintained over the next two millennia. This is according to a new study, published today, 5 March, in IOP Publishi...

  • 海平面上涨威胁海边古迹的保护

    14-01-18 Prehistoric shell mounds found on some of Florida's most pristine(原始的) beaches are at risk of washing away as the sea level rises, wiping away thousands of years of archaeological evidence. The largest risk for these ancient treasure troves(无...

  • The Fisherman and his Wife

    14-01-08 There was once on a time a Fisherman who lived with his wife in a miserable hovel(小屋,茅舍) close by the sea, and every day he went out fishing. And once as he was sitting with his rod, looking at the clear water, his line suddenly went down, fa...

  • 保护三角洲环境的理想方案

    13-12-11 Millions of people across the world live or depend on deltas for their livelihoods. Formed at the lowest part of a river where its water flow slows and spreads into the sea, deltas are sediment-rich, biodiverse areas, a valuable source of seafood, f...

  • Ulysses and the Bag of Winds

    13-12-05 Long, long ago, there lived upon a little island a Greek king named Ulysses. One time Ulysses sailed far away across the sea to fight for his country, and for ten long years he was away from his beautiful wife and his little son. At last the Greeks...

  • Arachne

    13-12-05 Arachne lived in a small village on the shores of the Mediterranean. Her parents were very poor. While her mother was busy cooking the simple meals for the family, or working in the fields, Arachne used to spin all day long Her wheel made a steady w...

  • Stone Dog

    13-11-21 In Puerto Rico many years ago near the Condado Lagoon, there lived a poor fisherman. He lived alone in a hut. His only companion was his dog. The fisherman and his dog were devoted to each other. They might be seen strolling on the white sandy beach...

  • 《和莎莫的500天》精彩词句

    13-11-14 精彩词句 1. There's plenty of other fish in the sea. 天涯何处无芳草。 2. Patel tried to talk to her in the copy room. She's totally not having it. 派特在复印室里想和她搭讪。她甩都不甩。(也有译本翻译成她装作没听见) 3. I guess we can just agree to d...