• 《经济学人》2015年度好书科技类

    16-02-15 Superforecasting: The Art and Science of Prediction Philip Tetlock and Dan Gardner A scientific analysis of the ancient art of divination which shows that forecasting is a talent; luckily it can be learned. You need a healthy appetite for informatio...

  • 公众对科学的贡献越来越普遍

    16-01-20 So-called citizen science has become a significant force in several scholarly disciplines. The phenomenon can be found in both the natural and the social sciences, according to the largest systematic analysis to date on the topic, the results of whi...

  • 2015国家最高科技奖无人获得

    16-01-08 The annual ceremony of the National Science and Technology Prizes was held on Friday morning at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. 一年一度的国家科学技术奖励大会周五上午在北京人民大会堂举行。 The Highest Science and Technology Award is left va...

  • 生物科学领域的诚信危机

    16-01-05 Widespread failure to reproduce research results has triggered a crisis of confidence in research findings, eroding public trust in scientific methodology. In response, PLOS Biology is launching on January 4th, 2016, a new Meta-Research Section devo...

  • 《超能陆战队》精彩语句

    15-05-27 Wow. Washed up at 14. So sad. 哇哦,刚刚14岁就江郎才尽了,太悲哀了。 But you should know, Mr.Krei has cut corners and ignored sound science to get where he is. 但是你应该知道,格利先生取得今天的成绩是因为惯于投机取巧,无视可靠的科学。 The guy's too...

  • 70%的福音教派认为宗教与科学并不冲突

    15-03-16 Media and popular culture might portray religion and science as being at odds, but new research from Rice University suggests just the opposite. Findings from the recently completed study Religious Understandings of Science (RUS) reveal that despite...

  • 2015 丢掉电子产品 拥抱简单生活

    14-12-22 Experts predict 2015 will be the year when people forsake gadgets, social networks and other technology in favor of the simple life. 专家预测,到2015年,人们将丢掉电子产品、社交网络和其他的科技产品,拥抱简单生活。 Recent figures have already reveale...

  • 1/3的男性科学家愿为家庭放弃事业

    14-09-15 One third of men in academic science are willing to scale back their careers to focus on family life, according to researchers. While traditional fatherhood roles may be shifting, men in the male-dominated field of academic science, such as physics...

  • 南非理科教育水平世界最差

    14-06-04 South Africa's ranking as worst in the world for its maths and science education is a state of emergency, the opposition has said. 南非反对党宣称,国内数学与理科教育的世界排名最差,已属于紧急状态。 The Democratic Alliance called for a full skills au...

  • 人工合成超重117号元素

    14-05-04 The periodic table of the elements is to get crowded towards its heaviest members. Evidence for the artificial creation of element 117 has recently been obtained at the GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research, an accelerator laboratory located i...