• 新式安检扫描器或将投入机场使用

    18-07-11 China Aerospace Science and Industry Corp, the countrys largest missile maker, developed what engineers say is the most advanced security screening instrument in the nation - the so-called 3D millimeter wave scanner. 中国航天科工集团研发出一款据工程...

  • 想买合身牛仔裤 找3D身材扫描仪帮忙

    11-06-04 Finding the perfect pair of jeans usually requires patience, luck and several frustrating hours behind a changing room curtain. 买到非常合身的牛仔裤通常不仅需要耐心、运气,还需要在试衣间里苦战几小时。 The scanner, which is around 10ft tall and 5ft w...

  • 英机场安检员用“裸检”机器拍女同事裸照

    10-03-27 英国伦敦希思罗机场一名负责操作全身扫描安检仪器的员工对一位误入该扫描区的女同事全裸身体影像拍照,并对其进行了猥亵性的评论。这位女同事发现后立即向上级和警方报告了此事,并称此事对她打击很大,都无法继续工作。目前,这名违规使用安检仪器的员工已收到警方警...

  • 科学家发现机场液体快速检测方法

    09-10-20 Scientists say they have developed a quick technique for detecting liquids that could be used as explosives. 科学家称,他们已经发现一种探测可爆炸液体的快速方法。 The prototype scanner is compact and made of comparatively cheap parts If commercialise...
