• one-percent national sample census 全国1%人口抽样调查

    16-02-27 China has started its fourth one-percent national sample census , covering a population of about 14 million. 近日,我国第四次对全国1%人口抽样调查工作正式启动,此次人口普查涉及约1400万人。 哪些人 此次人口调查共在全国境内抽取约6万个调查小区(residentia...

  • 尿检或将用于检测膀胱癌

    14-01-23 Findings from a Loyola University Medical Center study ultimately could lead to tests to screen for and diagnose bladder cancer. Bladder cancer is the fourth most common non-skin cancer. But there is no good screening test for it, and there has been...

  • 尼日利亚女运动员被剥夺联邦运动会金牌

    10-10-13 Commonwealth Games women's 100m winner Damola Osayemi has been stripped of her gold medal after her B sample tested positive for a banned stimulant. 英联邦运动会女子100米冠军Damola Osayemi因B尿样检测结果呈阳性而被收回金牌。 The decision sees England...
