• 传闲话

    22-08-11 1. Rumor has it that... Rumor是谣言的意思,rumor has it that表示人们都这样说、听很多人说。That后面跟听说的内容。虽然道听途说不一定是真的,但至少八卦终于开始了。例如:Rumor has it that he was murdered. (人们都传他是被人谋杀的。) 2. A little bird to...

  • 八卦的开场白

    22-06-28 Rumor has it that... Rumor是谣言的意思,rumor has it that表示人们都这样说、听很多人说。That后面跟听说的内容。虽然道听途说不一定是真的,但至少八卦终于开始了。例如:Rumor has it that he was murdered.(人们都传他是被人谋杀的。) A little bird told me t...

  • 流言

    22-03-01 1 rumor流言;谣传;传闻 Rumors are going round (the school) about Mr Mason and his assistant. 有关梅森先生和他助手的流言蜚语(在学校里)满天飞。 相关短语:rumour has it,意思是大家都说,据谣传说。 Rumor has it (that) youre going to be the next manag...

  • refute the rumor 辟谣

    21-05-26 英文中,用refute the rumor来表示辟谣。 Why didnt he refute the rumor? 他为啥不辟谣? She finally came up and refuted the rumors about her family. 她最终还是站出来辟谣了关于她家庭的谣言。 那么,微博辟谣,又应该怎么表达呢? 请看一段英文报道 Sina said...

  • start a rumor 造谣

    21-05-26 谣言:rumor /rm/ 但造谣可不是make a rumor! make只能表达 编造出谣言,想表达 编造并传播 谣言,地道的说法是 start a rumor。 I see Adams hand in this , It would be just like him to start such a rumor . 我看得出来亚当在背后搞鬼,散布这种谣言很像他的作风...

  • gossip/rumor mill 谣言工厂

    15-11-18 You can refer to the people in a particular place or profession who spread gossip as the gossip mill or rumor mill, which is considered as a source of unofficial and unreliable information. 某地或从事某种职业、专事传播各类八卦消息的人,可以称之为gos...

  • Weibo Refutes Rumors 微博辟谣

    12-08-28 Sina said it has created a separate channel dubbed Weibo Refutes Rumors to spread denials of false information. It announced an email address for users to send reports of possible falsehoods. 新浪网表示已创建单独的微博辟谣频道,告知用户哪些是虚假信...

  • NASA批驳2012年世界末日预言

    09-11-21 即将上映的好莱坞灾难大片《2012世界末日》将网络上盛传的2012年12月21日为世界末日这一所谓的玛雅预言再次拉近人们的视野。因此,美国宇航局9日再次重申,2012年12月21日并不是世界末日,传言中的X星球将与地球相撞也并不属实。科学家们表示,玛雅历法不会在2012年结...
