• The Godfather 教父 Chapter 25

    22-09-15 When Kay Adams received her college degree, she took a job teaching grade school in her New Hampshire hometown. The first six months after Michael vanished she made weekly telephone calls to his mother asking about him. Mrs. Corleone was always frie...

  • double standard 双标

    22-08-29 双标,网络流行语,完整说法是双重标准,翻译为double standard。 双标是指对同一性质的两件事情,使用不同的评判标准(a double standard implies that two things which are the same are measured by different standards),在网络吐槽中比较常见。 例句: 人通常...

  • au fait 对某事物有非常细致的了解

    22-06-21 Au fait this is an example of a French expression that has become part of the English Language. It means to have good detailed knowledge of something. (This is not slang but a very British English expression.) Au fait是英语从法语中借用的表达之一。它...

  • 东京教育部门宣布废止过时的着装规范

    22-03-22 日本学校的着装规范一向十分严格,在东京,学生的头发必须是黑色,发型要中规中矩,就连内衣也必须穿指定颜色和款式。日前东京教育部门宣布将废止这些过时的着装规范,并废止关禁闭的处罚方式。 For decades, being a student in Tokyo meant you had to look a certai...

  • 比利时新规:员工下班可 “断联”

    22-02-23 The makings of a Belgian shepherds pie. Delphine, a civil servant, is preparing dinner for her friends. With a life outside of work, she welcomes ways to help people switch off. 这是在烹制比利时版的牧羊人馅饼。公务员黛尔芬正在为她的朋友们准备晚餐。...

  • avail oneself of the loopholes 钻空子

    21-11-16 钻空子,本意指利用空隙或漏洞进行活动,现在比喻乘隙钻营投机,利用漏洞进行对自己有利的活动。 空子表示loophole,钻空子英文可以翻译为avail oneself of the loopholes(in a law, contract, etc)或take undue advantage of the loophole。常见说法如钻制度的空子...

  • 商务部就中国“入世”相关热点问题进行回应

    21-10-29 今年是中国加入世贸组织20周年(the 20th anniversary of Chinas accession to the WTO)。10月28日,商务部有关负责人就中国入世相关热点问题进行了回应。 商务部副部长兼国际贸易谈判副代表王受文表示: China has fully and effectively fulfilled its World Trade Org...

  • perfectly justified 天经地义

    20-10-10 天经地义,汉语成语,出自《左传昭公二十五年》:夫礼,天之经也,地之义也,民之行也(Rites represent the rules governing the movement of heaven and earth as well as the code of conduct for the people. )。 天经地义本意是指天地的规则与秩序(the rules an...

  • Little Women - Chapter 7

    20-09-27 That boy is a perfect cyclops, isnt he? said Amy one day, as Laurie clattered by on horseback, with a flourish of his whip as he passed. How dare you say so, when hes got both his eyes? And very handsome ones they are, too, cried Jo, who resented an...

  • 中国正在准备外国投资法相关规则

    19-03-22 Chinas Ministry of Commerce (MOC) said Thursday it is working with other authorities in preparing relevant rules to ensure the successful implementation of the foreign investment law. 中国商务部周四表示,该部门正在与其它部门合作准备相关规则以确保外...