• 祝融号着陆火星满100天

    21-08-24 8月23日,我国首次火星探测任务天问一号探测器成功发射满13个月,探测器成功着陆火星满100天。 Chinas Mars rover Zhurong had traveled more than 1,000 meters on the surface of the red planet as of Monday, the Lunar Exploration and Space Program Center of t...

  • 航天局发布天问一号实拍影像

    21-06-28 6月27日,国家航天局发布我国天问一号火星探测任务着陆和巡视探测系列实拍影像。 The clips recorded the Tianwen 1s landing rover deploying its parachute and descending to the Martian surface, and its Mars rover Zhurong driving away from its landing platf...

  • 美国“毅力”号火星车在火星成功着陆

    21-02-22 美国东部时间2月18日,美国毅力号火星车在火星成功着陆,将寻找火星上可能存在过的生命迹象。此次登陆是为2030年后人类探索火星做准备。 NASA has unveiled the first pictures from its fifth Mars rover, Perseverance, after a successful landing on the red plane...

  • 月兔二号月球车已行驶300多米

    19-11-05 Chinas lunar rover Yutu-2 has driven 318.62 meters on the far side of the moon to conduct scientific exploration of the virgin territory. 中国月兔二号月球车已在月球背面的处女地上行驶318.62米。 Both the lander and the rover of the Change-4 probe have...

  • 2020年中国将探测火星

    19-07-09 China is scheduled to carry out the countrys first-ever Mars probe mission in 2020, said Ouyang Ziyuan, an academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences. 中科院院士欧阳自远表示,中国计划与2020年开始首个探测任务。 Ouyang said a satellite will be sent in...

  • 美国火星探测车将探索古生命

    19-06-14 NASAs Mars 2020 rover, its latest robotic mission to the Red Planet, will include technology to explore ancient life on Mars, according to NASAs Jet Propulsion Laboratory on Wednesday. 美国宇航局送往火星的最新型探测车将加入可以探索火星古生命的技术。...

  • 美宇航局选定2020火星探测器着陆点

    19-05-31 NASA has chosen Jezero Crater as the landing site for its Mars 2020 rover mission scheduled to launch in July next year. 美国宇航局已选定耶泽洛陨石坑为2020年火星探测车的降落地点,此次任务计划于明年七月份发射。 According to NASA, the rover will seek...

  • 玉兔二号已在月背行驶170米

    19-04-10 Chinas lunar rover has driven 170.92 meters on the far side of the moon. 中国的月球车已在月球背面行驶170.92米。 The rover Yutu-2, or Jade Rabbit-2, took a noon break from April 2 to April 8, as the temperatures on the moon were extremely high, and c...