• prelationship 培养感情阶段

    15-11-18 Prelationship is a relationship between people who are not yet but could become romantically involved. The two are probably seeing each other frequently and both have the intention to develop a romantic relationship. Maybe it is just a matter of tim...

  • 美国西雅图 国人眼中的浪漫之都

    15-09-30 Seattleis rarely the first US city that comes to Chinese minds. In fact, few people could probably tell Washington state from Washington DC. 一提起美国的城市,很少有中国人会首先想到西雅图。其实,很多中国人可能根本分不清华盛顿州和华盛顿特区的区别。 T...

  • 《剩者为王》公布上映日期

    15-09-28 Chinese romance film 'The Last Women Standing' has announced its release date during a press conference in Beijing. 中国浪漫电影《剩者为王》在北京发布会上公布了上映日期。 Touted as the must-see love story of the year, this romantic comedy shines wit...

  • 男性难以真正从情伤中走出

    15-08-16 Women experience more emotional pain following a breakup than men, researchers have found. 研究人员发现,分手后女性往往会经历比男性更多的情感痛苦。 They reported higher levels of both physical and emotional pain. However, researchers also said that,...

  • 《恋恋笔记本》将拍成电视连续剧

    15-08-13 Hollywood hit The Notebook is the latest film to become a TV series. 好莱坞大片《恋恋笔记本》将拍成电视连续剧。 The CW Television Network is currently working on adapting the Nicholas Sparks's novel-turned-movie into a continuing episodic drama for...

  • 《新娘大作战》将于8月20日上映

    15-08-12 Upcoming Chinese romantic comedy film 'Bride Wars' is scheduled to hit domestic theaters on August 20th. 中国浪漫喜剧《新娘大作战》将于8月20日在国内上映。 The film directed by Tony Chan is a remake of Hollywood star Kate Hudson's 2009 hit film with...

  • 异地恋也有好处

    15-04-04 Long-distance relationships aren't ideal. They are hard. Like, really hard. But there are some aspects that aren't that bad 异地恋不完美,到底有多难,总之就...很难!不过,异地恋也有好处。 1. You don't have to share the covers. 2. You don't have to b...

  • 将爱之信息用卫星送入太空

    15-02-13 Valentine's Day can be a bit of a struggle. How much should you spend on him to let him know you care? Will she like that perfume you bought her? 情人节是个有些令人纠结费神的日子。你该花多少钱才能让他知道你在乎他?她会喜欢你买给她的香水吗? And then...

  • Sigother 另一半

    14-11-26 Sigother is significant other; a person's romantic partner or spouse. 另一半即你那位重要的ta,指恋人或配偶。 Example: My sigother and I have been together for four years. 我和我的另一半在一起四年了。...

  • American Tragedy 美国悲剧 chapter 22

    14-09-11 The Clyde whom Samuel Griffiths described as having met at the Union League Club in Chicago, was asomewhat modified version of the one who had fled from Kansas City three years before. He was now twenty, a little taller and more firmly but scarcely...