• 《机器人总动员》第11章

    22-12-14 Inside the transport, as Gopher patiently waited at the wheel, WALL E could feel the elevator rising. An instant later, the elevator doors opened. WALL E got his first look at the ships robot passageway, which was located above the docking bay. Robo...

  • 科幻小说能帮助人类吗?

    21-03-03 What will the future be like? Good or bad? A lot of science-fiction writing imagines a world which is dark and scary. In Blade Runner, Harrison Ford hunts robots in a chaotic Los Angeles. Planet of the Apes shows a bleak future for humankind. And wh...

  • 亚马逊测试机器人送货

    19-01-25 Amazon is bringing delivery robots to the streets of a Seattle suburb. 亚马逊在西雅图郊区街头使用机器人送货。 The online shopping giant says it started to test self-driving robots in Snohomish County, Washington, Wednesday that can bring Amazon pack...

  • 福建消防部门装备消防机器人

    18-12-14 Sixty firefighting robots were handed over to local authorities in the city of Ningde in southeast Chinas Fujian Province on Wednesday, reports Chinanews.com. 60辆消防机器人周三被交付给福建宁德地方政府。 The robots were developed by Kaicheng Intelli...

  • 中国机器人行业快速发展

    18-07-24 The industry scale of Chinas domestically made robots has seen 20 percent annual growth in five years, Peoples Daily reported Monday. 中国国产机器人行业在过去的五年保持着20%的年增长率。 According to the China Robot Industry Alliance (CRIA), 131,000...

  • 中国与以色列将在医疗机器人领域加强合作

    16-12-15 Chinese and Israeli research institutes and companies attending an exposition on Tuesday in Guangzhou are keen to cooperate on developing medical robots. 本周二在广州举行的一场博览会上,来自中国和以色列的研究机构与公司希望在意医疗机器人领域加强合作...

  • 通过类似有性生殖创造更先进的机器人

    16-06-08 What if robots could evolve? 如果机器人可以自主进化的话,那么这将会是一幅怎样的场景呢? Its the question asked by a group of scientists in Amsterdam, whose radical new project aims to create smarter, more advanced robots through a process similar to...

  • 紧急情况时人们可能过于信赖机器人

    16-03-02 In emergencies, people may trust robots too much for their own safety, a new study suggests. In a mock building fire, test subjects followed instructions from an Emergency Guide Robot even after the machine had proven itself unreliable - and after s...

  • 工程师创造出会违背命令的机器人

    15-12-04 If Hollywood ever had a lesson for scientists it is what happens if machines start to rebel against their human creators. 如果说好莱坞曾经给科学家们一个教训,那一定是机器人开始反抗它们的创造者人类。 Yet despite this, roboticists have started to teac...