• 机器人协助外科手术

    22-01-22 Naseer was diagnosed with prostate cancer earlier this year. 今年早些时候,纳赛尔被诊断出患有前列腺癌。 Naseer Jadalizadeh I wanted it to get rid of it, and that is the basis of how the operation came to be. 纳塞尔贾达利扎德 我想让这种技术帮我摆脱病...

  • 维加斯某酒吧使用机器人做酒保

    17-07-10 Two robotic arms have replaced bartenders at a bar called Tipsy Robot at the Miracle Mile Shops in Planet Hollywood Resort, Las Vegas. It attracts hundreds of guests to try out the new gadget. 赌城维加斯的好莱坞之星球赌场度假村奇迹哩购物区内一家名为...

  • 可获超人之力的“机器人手套”

    16-07-17 Factory workers are about to get super-human strength thanks to Nasas Robo-Glove. 有了美国航天局(NASA)研发的机器人手套,工厂工人将获超人之力。 The glove helped scientists control Robonaut 2, a humanoid that provided engineering and technical assis...

  • 韩国发明家发明陪酒机器人

    16-01-23 With this mechanical friend, you'll never have to drink alone! 有了这个陪酒机器人,妈妈再也不担心我一个人喝闷酒了! Some creative visionaries harness the power of technology to help people work more efficiently or to stay connected with friends and...

  • 宇航员在太空飞船中远程控制行星探测车

    13-07-31 Just as remotely-operated vehicles help humans explore the depths of the ocean from above, NASA has begun studying how a similar approach may one day help astronauts explore other worlds. On June 17 and July 26, NASA tested the Surface Telerobotics...

  • 新式机器鱼可自由潜水游行

    13-01-17 A high-tech robotic fish hatched at Michigan State University has a new look. A new skill. And a new name. MSU scientists have made a number of improvements on the fish, including the ability to glide(滑翔) long distances, which is the most import...
