• 用英语说“诗”

    21-10-02 形式美、语言美和音韵美你善于欣赏一首好诗里的丰富美感吗?无论是李白的五言律诗,莎士比亚的十四行诗还是文学小品中俏皮的 打油诗,诗歌在各个时代、不同国家的文学发展中占据着重要的地位。做本集《英语小测验》,学习与 诗歌 相关的英语词汇。 1. Poems often use...

  • 有关“音乐”的词汇

    21-10-02 鼓乐操之,乐而胜之。音乐能给我们带来欢乐,为我们疗伤,让我们放下烦恼尽情享受旋律的美。做本集《英语小测验》,看看你对和音乐有关词汇的掌握。 1. Musical instruments that are not electric can be described as ______. a) acoustic b) amplified c) accented...

  • 人体生物钟之谜

    21-04-07 人体内有一个独特的生物钟,来适应地球的昼夜变换。它在一天之中的不同时段,对我们的生理功能进行着非常精准的调节,这个生物钟到底是如何工作的?2017年诺贝尔生物学奖获得者们通过分离基因,为我们揭示了到底是什么样的机制使得细胞内的生物钟持续工作。 We spend a...

  • 心房颤动术后调节心率与心律有同效

    16-04-05 In the first large randomized trial to directly compare two approaches to preventing a type of abnormal heart rhythm that is the most common complication of heart surgery, the two strategies--controlling heart rate and controlling heart rhythm--perfo...

  • 调节生物钟

    15-06-13 Often referred to as the body clock, circadian rhythm controls what time of day people are most alert, hungry, tired or physically primed due to a complex biological process that is not unique to humans. Circadian rhythms, which oscillate over a rou...

  • 墨西哥无眼穴鱼没有生理节律

    14-09-25 Eyeless Mexican cavefish show no metabolic circadian rhythm in either light and dark or constant dark conditions, according to a study published September 24, 2014 in the open-access journal PLOS ONE by Damian Moran from Lund University, Sweden, and...

  • 研究人员试图用光稳定心率

    13-08-29 When a beating heart slips into an irregular, life-threatening rhythm, the treatment is well known: deliver a burst of electric current from a pacemaker or defibrillator(去纤颤器) . But because the electricity itself can cause pain, tissue damage...

  • 灵魂音乐的概念

    12-09-28 Soul music is a style of pop music developed by African-Americans combining elements of gospel(福音的) music and rhythm and blues. The term was first used in the 1960s to describe a combination of rhythm and blues, gospel, jazz, and rock music. Ch...

  • 澳研究人员找到药物引起心率失常的原因

    11-01-31 Australian researchers have come one step closer to understanding how the rhythm of the heartbeat is controlled and why many common drugs, including some antibiotics, antihistamines and anti-psychotics, can cause a potentially fatal abnormal heart r...
