• 央行向市场注资8700亿

    16-04-22 Chinas central bank has pumped 870 billion yuan (around 133.8 billion U.S. dollars) into the market this week to ease a cash strain. 中国人民银行本周已向市场注入8700亿人民币(1338亿美元)缓解现金压力。 The Peoples Bank of China (PBOC) on Friday cond...

  • reverse repurchase 逆回购

    16-03-16 The People's Bank of China (PBOC) conducted seven-day reverse repurchase (repo) agreements worth 130 billion yuan ($20 billion). 中国人民银行开展了1300亿元的逆回购操作,操作期限为7天。 据统计,本周公开市场(open market)仅有100亿元逆回购到期,无央票...

  • reverse praying 反手祈祷

    15-10-29 The reverse praying trend sees users uploading photos of themselves to social media with their hands clasped in a prayer position behind their backs. 在反手祈祷风潮中,参与者纷纷把自己双手合十到背后作祈祷状的照片上传到社交媒体上。 Most of the partic...
