• 人工视网膜可以恢复部分眼疾患者的视力

    14-11-14 The loss of eyesight, often caused by retinal degeneration, is a life-altering health issue for many people, especially as they age. But a new development toward a prosthetic retina could help counter conditions that result from problems with this c...

  • 苹果发布新品iPad Air

    13-10-23 Apple has unveiled a top-of-the-range tablet called the iPad Air that is 20% thinner than the previous version. 苹果发布平板电脑领域的顶级产品iPad Air,该型号比之前的版本薄20%。 The 9.7in (24.6cm) computer is 7.5mm (0.3in) thick and weighs 1lb (469g...

  • 常见眼病的相关基因被发现

    13-03-05 An international group of researchers has discovered seven new regions of the human genome -- called loci-that are associated with increased risk of age-related macular degeneration(黄斑变性) (AMD), a leading cause of blindness. The AMD Gene Conso...

  • 眼部扫描可检测多发性硬化病情

    12-12-26 A simple eye test may offer a fast and easy way to monitor patients with multiple sclerosis (MS), medical experts say in the journal Neurology. 医学专家发表在《Neurology》中的文章称,一个简单的眼部测试即可快速检测多发性硬化症病人的状况。 Optical Coh...

  • 人造视网膜或恢复正常视力

    12-08-15 Two researchers at Weill Cornell Medical College have deciphered a mouse's retina's neural code and coupled this information to a novel prosthetic(假体的) device to restore sight to blind mice. The researchers say they have also cracked the code f...

  • 55年伤眼通过手术重见光明

    11-06-19 After being hit in the eye by a stone, a detached retina(视网膜) left a man blind in his right eye. Despite surgery to remove a cataract(白内障) when the man was 23, which temporarily restored light perception, the patient was completely blind i...

  • 世界充满了视网膜无法察觉的黑暗物质

    10-10-06 Physicists and neuroscientists(神经系统科学家) from the University of Pennsylvania have linked the cell structure of the retina(视网膜) to the light and dark contrasts of the natural world, demonstrating the likelihood that the neural pathways h...

  • 老年痴呆症可通过眼部测试检测出

    10-01-15 A simple eye test might be able to detect Alzheimer's and other diseases before symptoms develop, according to UK scientists. 英国科学家透露,一项简单的眼部测试就可能在病症恶化之前检测出老年痴呆症和其它疾??The dying cells of this mouse with Alzhei...

  • 研究人员发现新的遗传性眼病

    09-12-12 University of Iowa researchers have found the existence of a new, rare inherited retinal视网膜 disease. Now the search is on to find the genetic cause, which investigators hope will increase understanding of more common retinal diseases. The finding...
