• 亚洲航空欲开餐厅卖飞机餐

    19-12-11 Airplane food isnt exactly considered haute cuisine, but one budget airline is betting that people love its airplane food so much that theyd be willing to pay for it at restaurants on the ground. 飞机餐并不是准确意义上的高级料理,但一家廉价航空公司...

  • 餐厅会针对顾客相貌安排座位

    16-01-10 A documentary has exposed how restaurants rank customers according to looks - and place the people they deem to be pleasing to the eye at the front while hiding the less attractive ones at the back. 一部纪录片显示,餐厅会对顾客的外表进行排序,把外表...
