• over and done with 彻底结束

    21-07-20 当我们听到什么事情是 over and done with 的时候,可以理解为这件事情彻底结束了,彻底了结了。同时,这件事的性质往往是必须要完成但不一定是人们想做或者喜欢做的。这个表达一般常见于口语对话中。 例句 Once this conference is over and done with, we can all ha...

  • as fresh as a daisy 精神焕发

    21-07-15 Daisy 雏菊是菊花的一种,小小的白色花瓣,嫩黄色的花芯,看着非常可爱。到夜晚,daisy 的花瓣会卷起来,清晨时再展开,比喻 as fresh as a daisy 也可能正是由此而来,意思是像雏菊一样充满朝气,用来形容人们精神饱满,充满活力的状态。 例句 I always feel as fresh...

  • a change is as good as a rest 调换工作益如休息

    21-06-22 如果工作时间太长,我们会感到身心俱疲。除了好好休息以外,我们也可以通过改变工作环境来调整心态并恢复精力。A change is as good as a rest是一句英文谚语,它的意思是改变环境就和休假一样,可以促进身心健康,帮我们恢复精力。这个表达常用在谈论工作、职业等语境...

  • full of beans 充满活力

    20-10-13 full of beans不是满是豆子 充满了豆子?这个就比较有意思了,可能是指你吃完豆子才能充满活力吧!就跟吃了菠菜那样神奇,它的真实意思也就和这个差不多啦! 因为通常是用来形容那些充满活力的小孩子,总是喜欢乱动,没有一刻是能停下来的~ 举个例子: You seem full o...

  • 中国船员获许登上印度港口

    18-02-26 Chinese sailors have been allowed to land at Indias ports for rest for the first time in decades, reports Xinhua News Agency. 新华社报道,几十年来中国船员首次获许登上印度港口休息。 Ten sailors from Chinese cargo vessel Houston landed at a port in Mu...

  • Industry significance

    16-04-03 The significant inscription found on an old key If I rest, I rust would be an excellent motto for those who are afflicted with the slightest taint of idleness. Even the most industrious might adopt it with advantage to serve as a reminder that, if o...

  • zero-tasking 零任务

    16-03-30 Zero-tasking means being, not doing. It means taking 60 minutes and just doing nothing. Simply rest, relax, de-stress and de-load (the opposite of overload). It means just breathing -- in and out, over and over -- and marveling at the fact that you...

  • Jane Eyre 简爱 Chapter 27

    14-10-09 SOME time in the afternoon I raised my head, and looking round and seeing the western sun gilding the sign of its decline on the wall, I asked, 'What am I to do?' But the answer my mind gave- 'Leave Thornfield at once'- was so prompt, so dread, that...

  • Kidnapped 诱拐 Chapter 3

    14-09-05 Chapter 3 David is alone It was a cold night, so I could not sit down to rest. In stead, I walked up and down on the beach, trying to keep warm. There was no sound except the crash of the waves. I felt very lonely and afraid. In the morning I climbe...

  • If I Rest,I Rust

    12-12-20 The significant inscription(题词,铭文) found on an old key --If I rest, I rust-- would be an excellent motto for those who are afflicted with the slightest bit of idleness. Even the most industrious(勤勉的) person might adopt it with advantage...