• polite expressions/remarks 客套话

    21-11-16 都说中国人爱客套,说起客套话来那是滔滔不绝。比如下次请你吃饭,改天来我家玩儿,你今天真漂亮,我真的很想你 实际上,这些客套话听听就好,认真你就输了! 客套话指为表示客气所说的话,可以翻译为polite expressions/remarks。客套指非常正式、有礼貌的举止(very...

  • 奥巴马演讲 Holiday Greetings

    10-04-05 Remarks of President Barack Obama Weekly Address The White House April 3, 2009 This is a week of faithful celebration. On Monday and Tuesday nights, Jewish families and friends in the United States and around the world gathered for a Seder to commem...
