• 如何在低重力环境中保持垂直

    14-09-04 Keeping upright in a low-gravity environment is not easy, and NASA documents abound with examples of astronauts falling on the lunar surface. Now, a new study by an international team of researchers led by York University professors Laurence Harris...

  • Excellence is a Habit

    14-05-15 Our character, basically, is a composite of our habits. Sow a thought, reap an action; sow an action, reap a habit; sow a habit, reap a character; sow a character, reap a destiny, the maxim(格言,准则) goes. Habits are powerful factors in our live...

  • In Ravenna

    14-03-25 In Ravenna Chad Davidson Three boys, old enough to hurt someone, young enough to think it doesn't matter, sat outside the small green plot I came to. Dante's grave. All of us pulled there, experiencing gravity, out of control for different reasons....

  • 木星上炸薯条最好吃

    14-01-10 为研究不同重力条件下的油炸薯条味道,改善未来宇航员的太空食物,欧洲的研究人员花近百万英镑进行研究,最终得出结论:木星上炸薯条最好吃。 European Space Agency (ESA) cut potatoes into thin sticks and then deep fried them in extra-virgin olive oil(特级初...

  • 没有重力 植物如何生长

    12-12-10 It is well known that plant growth patterns are influenced by a variety of stimuli, gravity being one amongst many. On Earth plant roots exhibit characteristic behaviours called 'waving' and ' skewing(偏移) ', which were thought to be gravity-depe...

  • Bed gravity 床重力

    12-03-12 Bed gravity is an irresistible force that draws you back to bed, or toward any mattress, couch, or other soft horizontal surface. It is usually stronger when one or more persons are already sleeping on that furniture. 床重力是一股让你难以抵抗的力量...

  • 欧洲航天局重新开始测量地心引力

    10-09-08 ESA's GOCE gravity mission has recovered from a glitch(小故障,失灵) that prevented the satellite from sending its flow of scientific data to the ground. News of the recovery comes earlier than expected, thanks to the fervent(热心的,强烈的) eff...

  • 首个超大型黑洞是如何形成的

    10-08-26 Astronomers believe they have discovered the origin of our universe's first super-massive black holes, which formed some 13 billion years ago. The discovery fills in a missing chapter of our universe's early history, and could help write the next ch...

  • 牛顿重力苹果树将飞向太空 体验零重力

    10-05-15 A piece of physicist Sir Isaac Newton's apple tree is to defy gravity by being carried into space on the next NASA shuttle mission. 物理学家伊萨克牛顿爵士的那棵苹果树上的一截树枝不久将随美国宇航局的宇航员们前往太空,体验零重力。 A piece of physicist...

  • Satellite to begin gravity quest 欧盟卫星开始勘测地球重力图

    09-09-23 A European spacecraft will begin its quest this week to make the most detailed global map of the Earth's gravity field. 一艘欧洲宇宙飞船本周将要绘制详细的全球重力场图片。 Goce can fly much lower than was expected The arrow-shaped Goce satellite can...