• like a cat on a hot tin roof 如坐针毡

    22-08-29 如坐针毡,汉语成语,字面意思是像坐在插着针的毡子上(as if sitting on a bed of needles),形容心神不定,坐立不安(feel extremely uneasy)。 如坐针毡与英文俗语like a cat on a hot tin roof/like a cat on hot bricks意思相近,都可以表示be anxious and unab...

  • 放空成为韩国人治愈自己的流行方式

    21-12-08 韩国近日的一项调查发现,70%的韩国人坦言压力很大。疫情持久战、债台高筑、买不起房,再加上快节奏的生活,让许多韩国人只想找个地方静一静。或者是到一个茶馆呆着,什么也不做,或者是看一场画面单一没有情节的电影。放空,成为韩国人治愈自己的流行方式。 Tucked aw...

  • lose one's nerve 失去勇气

    21-09-10 表达 lose ones nerve 的意思是 屈服于恐惧和焦虑,失去了做某件事情的勇气,惊慌失措。人们常常用这个表达来劝他人 别害怕:Dont lose your nerve.。 例句 Sarah really lost her nerve when she had to speak in front of a big crowd. She was sick afterwards. 当...

  • 狗狗帮助学生减压

    21-01-02 Some people say that dogs are mans best friend good companions, loyal and loveable. Of course, they can be more than just a pet as certain breeds are excellent working dogs too. We know about the amazing help guide dogs give to blind people and, mor...
