• 姚晨获2016水晶奖

    16-01-20 Chinese actress Yao Chen has been named among the recipients of the 2016 Crystal Award. 中国女演员姚晨荣获2016水晶奖。 The announcement was made by the World Economic Forum on Wednesday. Other winners include actor Leonardo DiCaprio, artist Olafur E...

  • McRefugees 麦难民

    15-12-08 McRefugees is a neologism referring to those who stay overnight in McDonald's 24-hour fast food restaurant. 麦难民是新出现的一个词,指在麦当劳24小时店里过夜的人。 The term was first created in Japanese language, which originally means net cafe refug...

  • Merkel era 默克尔时代

    15-12-08 At the beginning of this year, Angela Merkelhad a good claim to be the most successful politician in the world. The German chancellor had won three successive election victories. She was the dominant political figure in Europe and hugely popular at...

  • 默克尔呼吁欧盟对难民问题提出结局方案

    15-11-04 German Chancellor Angela Merkel stressed the importance of a European solution for the refugee issue on Tuesday. 本周二,德国总理安吉拉默克尔强调了在难民问题上欧盟提出一个解决方案的重要性。 When we think too small, when we only think about ourselves...

  • 习近平:通过发展稳定来解决欧洲难民危机

    15-09-29 Chinese President Xi Jinping on Monday called for elimination of poverty and conflict to address the European refugee crisis. 中国国家主席习近平周一呼吁通过消除贫穷与冲突的方式来处理欧洲难民危机。 Meeting with Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, Xi...

  • 叙利亚儿童难民的数量已达百万

    13-08-23 UN agencies say the number of children forced to flee Syria has reached one million, describing the figure as a shameful milestone. 联合国某机构称,逃离叙利亚的儿童已达100万,这个数字是一个可耻的里程碑。 The UN's refugee agency and Unicef say a furt...

  • 数千叙利亚人进入黎巴嫩避难

    12-03-06 Thousands of Syrians have recently crossed into Lebanon, the UN say. 联合国称,近期有数千叙利亚人越境进入黎巴嫩。 The UN refugee agency said as many as 2,000 people fled in the past two days. A resident of the opposition stronghold of Homs told the...

  • 联合国难民署遭利比亚“驱逐”

    10-06-09 The United Nations refugee agency says it has been ordered to leave Libya. 联合国难民署称其遭到利比亚政府的驱赶。 Many African migrants go to Libya with the hope of crossing to Europe A spokeswoman said the UNHCR regretted the order to close its off...
