• 男孩女孩阅读习惯各不相同

    15-05-30 Girls have more firmly embraced digital literacy and formats such as Facebook, email and text message, while boys are more comfortable with traditional printed media such as comics, manuals and newspapers, according to a study published by the Natio...

  • 作家池莉:支持“全民阅读”

    15-03-13 Writer Chi Li rarely visits bookshops anymore and instead buys online as she believes it is difficult to find what she calls real books on shop shelves. 作家池莉现在都在网上购书,而几乎不再逛书店买书了。她表示如今在书店的书架上很难找到她心里真正意义...

  • 影响数学与阅读能力的基因相同

    14-07-09 The same genes drive maths and reading ability, research suggests. 研究发现,影响数学与阅读能力的基因是相同的。 Around half of the genes that influence a child's aptitude for reading also play a role in how easily they learn maths, say scientists. T...

  • 臧谷亡羊

    14-05-30 Once Zang and Gu shepherded together and they both lost their sheep. Zang said he lost his sheep while he was reading. Gu said he was playing chess. Although reading is more elegant than playing chess, they both did something they should not have do...

  • lightweight reader 轻量级读者

    14-01-16 Lightweight reader refers to someone who gets sleepy or passes out shortly after starting to read. 轻量级读者指的是那些一开始看书就犯困或者看没多久就睡着的人。 Contrary to heavyweight, which means very powerful, lightweight means having little abili...

  • 脑部扫描可帮助诊断阅读障碍

    13-08-15 About 10 percent of the U.S. population suffers from dyslexia(阅读障碍) , a condition that makes learning to read difficult. Dyslexia is usually diagnosed around second grade, but the results of a new study from MIT could help identify those child...

  • Reading one hour a day could change your life

    12-11-06 Here's one very simple yet potentially lifechanging advice I first heard from Brian Tracy. Cut down on the TV at night by just one hour. Instead use that hour to read books that could improve your life. If you're in sales, google or browse amazon fo...

  • 阅读能增强人的自我概念

    11-04-24 We read to know we are not alone, wrote C.S. Lewis. But how do books make us feel we are not alone? Obviously, you can't hold a book's hand, and a book isn't going to dry your tears when you're sad, says University at Buffalo, SUNY psychologist Shir...

  • Reading

    11-04-14 Studies serve for delight, for ornament(装饰,修饰) , and for ability. Their chief use for delight, is in privateness and retiring; for ornament, is in discourse; and for ability, is in the judgment and disposition(处置) of business. For expert...

  • I wasn't listening

    10-12-14 Mother asked her little daughter who was reading a book. What are you reading, dear? I don't know. the little girl answered. You don't know? But you were reading aloud, so you must know. I was reading aloud, mummy, but i wasn't listening, explained...