• quantum science and technology 量子科技

    20-10-21 中共中央政治局10月16日就量子科技研究和应用前景举行集体学习。中共中央总书记习近平在主持学习时强调,要充分认识推动量子科技发展的重要性和紧迫性,加强量子科技发展战略谋划和系统布局,把握大趋势,下好先手棋。 Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist...

  • 中国科学家实现3D状态量子传送

    19-08-19 For the first time, Chinese scientists have demonstrated the experiment of transferring quantum information in a 3D state. 中国科学家首次展示了3D状态下转移量子信息的试验。 Limited in a two-level state for a long time, the study paves the way to tele...

  • 中国量子通讯研究获克利夫兰奖

    19-02-01 A study on quantum communication made by Chinese scientists will receive the 2018 Newcomb Cleveland Prize as it laid the groundwork for ultra-secure communication networks of the future. 中国科学家一项关于量子通讯的研究将获2018纽科姆克利夫兰奖,该研...

  • 量子通讯网下月底将投入商用

    17-07-10 Quantum communication network is expected to be put into commercial use in a Chinese city by the end of next month. 量子通讯网将于下月底在山东济南投入商用。 Jinan Institute of Quantum Technology announced Sunday that the network, connecting Communis...

  • 中国量子计算获重大突破

    17-05-03 Chinese scientists have built the worlds first quantum computing machine that goes far beyond the early classical -- or conventional -- computers, paving the way to the ultimate realization of quantum computing. 中国科学家制造出世界首台可以远超早期...

  • 2017年量子计算机可能走出实验室

    17-01-08 Quantum computing has long seemed like one of those technologies that are 20 years away, and always will be. But 2017 could be the year that the field sheds its research-only image. Computing giants Google and Microsoft recently hired a host of lead...

  • 量子世界与传统世界

    16-08-03 In the quantum world, physicists study the tiny particles that make up our classical world - neutrons, electrons, photons - either one at a time or in small numbers because the behaviour of the particles is completely different on such a small scale...

  • 量子卫星装置与全球量子网络

    16-06-03 You cant sign up for the quantum internet just yet, but researchers have reported a major experimental milestone towards building a global quantum network - and its happening in space. With a network that carries information in the quantum propertie...

  • 在硅片上打造首台量子级联激光器

    16-04-21 A team of researchers from across the country, led by Alexander Spott, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA, have built the first quantum cascade laser on silicon. The advance may have applications that span from chemical bond spectroscopy a...

  • 量子模拟2.0:远距离原子对话

    16-04-08 Simulations are a popular tool to study physical processes that cannot be investigated experimentally in detail. For example, scientists are challenged to investigate physical processes in materials since their properties are determined by the inter...