• 英国家庭自愿饲养导盲犬

    23-01-29 Lisa Allison, Guide Dogs Volunteer Puppy Raiser Are you my little star? 丽莎艾莉森 导盲犬志愿饲养员 你是不是我的乖狗狗? Meet Archie and his puppy raiser, Lisa. 来认识一下阿奇和它的饲养员丽莎。 Lisa Allison, Guide Dogs Volunteer Puppy Raiser Archie,...

  • 关于恋爱的英文习语 上

    22-05-23 1. lovey-dovey 秀恩爱,(在公开场合)卿卿我我的,过分亲热的 I dont want to go out with Jenny and David. Theyre so lovey-dovey, I just cant stand it. 我可不想跟珍妮和大卫一起出门。他俩太腻歪了,让人受不了。 2. be an item 有恋爱关系 I saw Darren and E...

  • 早恋初恋

    22-04-01 大家知道怎样用英语正确表达早恋这个词吗?有些人就会误认为早恋就是初恋的意思。其实不是这样的。 早恋是指青春期青少年建立恋爱的关系,特别是在校的中小学生为多。 puppy love/ calf love/ kitten love 早恋 E.g This Roll Call is going to the dogs, because Vale...

  • A dog named time 一条狗名叫时间

    14-04-29 An old Chinese man's wife got sick for a while, then died. They had been married for more than half a century without any children. After the old companion was gone, the old man felt very lonely. He took friends' advice and went to a pet shop to buy...

  • 买小狗

    12-12-04 A farmer had some puppies he needed to sell. He painted a sign advertising the pups and set about nailing it to a post on the edge of his yard. As he was driving the last nail into the post, he felt a tug on his overalls. He looked down into the eye...

  • Stress puppy 压力小狗

    12-08-02 Stress puppy is a person who thrives on stress, yet complains about it constantly. 压力小狗指的是因为压力而成长,但是又因承受不了压力终日抱怨,像小狗一样呜呜叫的人。 They are always in a hurry, never have time, have anger explosions for the slightes...
