• 泰国大选提前投票因示威者阻挠被迫取消

    14-01-28 Large numbers of anti-government protesters began to surround polling stations in some districts of Bangkok and southern provinces early Sunday, in an attempt to oppose the scheduled advance voting for the Feb 2 national election. 泰国大选提前投票正...

  • 泰国当局用催泪瓦斯镇压抗议者

    13-12-02 Thai authorities fired tear gas amid renewed skirmishes with anti-government protesters outside key government buildings. 泰国主要政府建筑外侧,反政府抗议者与警察发生新冲突,当局向抗议者施放催泪瓦斯。 Protester numbers have fallen but a hard core re...

  • 也门保安部队向抗议者开火 26人死亡

    11-09-19 Security forces in Yemen have opened fire on protesters in the capital, Sanaa, killing at least 26 people and injuring hundreds, doctors said. 也门首都萨那的保安部队向抗议者开枪射击,射杀至少26人、射伤数百人。 Tens of thousands of protesters calling...

  • 埃及前总统穆巴拉克拒不认罪

    11-08-04 Egypt's ex-President Hosni Mubarak has denied charges of corruption and ordering the killing of protesters, on the opening day of his trial in Cairo. 在开罗举行的开庭审判中,埃及前总统穆巴拉克否认了腐败和下令杀害抗议者的指控。 He was wheeled on a ho...

  • 埃及将解雇700名警察

    11-07-14 Almost 700 senior police officers in Egypt are being removed from their jobs over the killing of protesters during the revolution earlier this year. 埃及将解雇近700名高级警官,因为他们在今年早些时候参与杀害改革抗议者。 Interior Minister Mansour Essa...

  • 叙利亚反政府抗议者占领霍姆斯中心广场

    11-04-19 Thousands of anti-government protesters have occupied the centre of Syria's third largest city, Homs, insisting they will not leave until they bring down the country's leadership. 叙利亚第三大城市霍姆斯的中心广场已被数以千计的反政府抗议者占领,他们...

  • 英大学生游行示威抗议增收学费

    10-11-27 24日英国多个城市爆发了第二波学生游行示威活动,抗议政府削减教育经费、增收大学学费。 Tens of thousands of students and school pupils walked out of class, marched, and occupied buildings around UK in the second day of mass action within a fortnight to...

  • 曼谷宵禁过后局势依然紧张

    10-05-20 Thailand's capital Bangkok remains tense after a night under curfew, following a deadly army assault on anti-government protesters. 泰国首都曼谷一夜宵禁过后局势仍然紧张,近日泰国军队与反政府武装发生致命冲突。 There are fears the Central World shoppi...

  • 泰国军队突破红衫军营地

    10-05-19 Anti-government protesters have been exchanging fire with army units trying to break up their camp in the centre of the Thai capital, Bangkok. 泰国首都曼谷,反政府武装人员与军队交火,试图突破军队对其进行的封锁。 Troops fired shots and tear gas grena...

  • 致命冲突之后 曼谷局势仍然严峻

    10-05-14 Thai security forces and anti-government protesters remained in a stand-off in Bangkok after clashes overnight in which one person died. 泰国保安部队与反政府示威者头天晚上在曼谷发生暴力冲突,一人死亡,目前局势处于平静状态。 Security forces say they...