• 巴基斯坦国家电视台遭抗议者围攻

    14-09-01 Pakistan's national television channel is back on air after security forces removed anti-government protesters from its headquarters in Islamabad. 巴基斯坦国家电视台位于伊斯兰堡的总部遭反政府抗议者围攻,在安保部队清除抗议者之后,电视台重新开播。 Dem...

  • 圣保罗警方向抗议者使用催泪弹

    14-06-10 Brazilian riot police have used tear gas against protesters in Sao Paulo, three days before the World Cup opening game in the city's main stadium. 巴西防暴警察向圣保罗城内的抗议者施放催泪瓦斯,三天后世界杯将在该市主体育场内开赛。 The BBC's Katy Wats...