• first-world problem 第一世界问题

    14-03-06 First-world problem refers to a trivial frustration or petty concern, particularly one that contrasts sharply with serious problems such as those faced by developing nations. 第一世界问题指的是微不足道的挫折或琐碎的烦心事,和发展中国家所面临的严重问...

  • 黑猩猩不是墨守成规的动物

    13-12-14 Chimpanzees are sensitive to social influences but they maintain their own strategy to solve a problem rather than conform to(符合) what the majority of group members are doing. However, chimpanzees do change their strategy when they can obtain gr...

  • cockroach problem 蟑螂问题

    13-12-10 Cockroach problem is a problem that is bigger than it initially appears. 蟑螂问题指的是比原先看起来还要严重的问题。 You've got one little piece of bad news, and there is always more, just like those little bugs. 你先是收到一条坏新闻,然后坏新闻源源...

  • foul-weather friend 坏天气朋友

    13-09-27 A foul-weather friend only seeks you out if they have a problem, need a shoulder to cry on, a ride to town or someone to watch their dog, but otherwise they act as if they don't even know you. Foul-weather friend(字面意思为坏天气朋友)只会在他们遇...

  • 英政府出资百万寻难题解决者

    13-06-16 英国政府打算出资100万英镑寻找能够解决世界最大难题的人,而至于什么才是世界当前面临的最大难题,则由民众来决定,或许是寻找石油替代品,也可能是生产低成本食品。 David Cameron is offering 1 million of taxpayer's cash to anyone who can solve the world's bi...

  • 记住我们为什么做某事

    13-04-08 Sometimes I forget why I'm doing, what I'm doing. Have you ever done that? I'm not just talking about a memory problem, although that's possible too. I have called someone because I want to tell them something. And then, after just choosing the plac...

  • problem lottery buyers 问题彩民

    13-01-14 The number of problem lottery buyers in China has reached 7 million and 430,000 of them are severe cases, according to a survey Sunday, which put the overall number of Chinese lottery buyers at 200 million. 根据周日的一项调查显示,中国彩民规模达到2...

  • “问题”的翻译

    12-10-31 例句: 你怎么想没有关系,重要的问题是你怎么做。 翻译:What you think does not matter. The important problem is how you do it. 翻译:What you think does not matter. The important thing is how you do it. 分析 问题这个词最常见的英文对等词是question和pr...

  • Steps to Happiness

    12-08-21 Everybody Knows: You can't be all things to all people. You can't do all things at once. You can't do all things equally well. You can't do all things better than everyone else. Your humanity is showing just like everyone else's. So: You have to fin...

  • 解决创新问题需要多种方法

    12-08-09 Innovative problem solving requires trying many different solutions. That's true for humans, and now Michigan State University researchers show that it's true for hyenas(土狼) , too. The study, published in the current issue of the Proceedings of...