09-12-09 Oil prices have fallen for the fifth day in a row, weighed down by a stronger US dollar and amid concerns over demand. 受美元的强势和供需关系的影响,国际油价已连续五天下跌。 Oil prices fell by more than $1 a barrel Prices dropped after the US Energy...
09-11-03 People who download music illegally also spend an average of 77 a year buying it legitimately, a survey has found. 一项调查发现,非法下载音乐的人平均一年也要花费77英镑合法购买音乐。 7 out of 10 illegal downloaders are 35 years old or under. Those wh...
09-10-20 The price of oil has reached a new high for 2009, continuing its recent rise on the back of the weak US dollar and strong US company results. 由于美元的弱势和美国公司的强势共同作用,石油价格一路攀升并达到2009年新高。 US crude settled up $1.08 at $79...
09-09-25 Nintendo is cutting the price of its popular Wii games console by 20% in the US and Japan. 任天堂在美国和日本降低Wii游戏机的售价达20%。 The Wii gets cheaper. The company has also confirmed to BBC News that the trade price will drop in the UK and Rep...
09-09-22 Oil prices have fallen by almost $3 on fears that energy demand may not have recovered as much as thought. 原油价格因对能源需求没有恢复到想象中的水平存有顾虑而下跌了将近3美元。 US crude was down $2.78 at $69.26 a barrel before recovering slightly wh...
09-08-30 让我们来见识一下纽约最袖珍的住宅,宽9英尺半(约2.85米),高42英尺(12.6米),不过不要小看了这座小楼,人家的身价可不菲呢。这处住宅坐落于格林威治村的贝德福德大街,远处看上去,就像一块三明治一样被塞在两旁的建筑缝隙里。即使以寸土寸金的纽约标准来衡量,也...
09-08-19 Sony Entertainment has announced it is reducing the price of its PlayStation 3 games consoles. 索尼娱乐宣布降低PS3售价。 In Europe the price has been lowered to 299 euros, in the US to $299 and in the UK to 249.99. Sony made the announcement at a pr...
09-08-11 The price of raw sugar has increased to its highest level since 1981, as supply concerns grow. 因供求关系变化,粗糖的价格自1981年以来达到最高水平。 Raw sugar futures added 3% on Monday, to finish the day at 22 cents a pound. The main problem is a de...
09-07-27 Rising passenger numbers and lower fuel prices helped Ryanair to make a 136.5m euros (118m) net profit between April and June, up from 21m euros last year. 乘客数量上升、油价下降使Ryanair从四月至六月净获利13650万美元,比去年同期增长2100万美元。 Ryan...
09-07-24 Former glamour model Katie Price has revealed she has auditioned for a part in the next Sex And The City film. 前魅力模特Katie Price透漏,她已经在下一部Sex And The City电影中试演一个角色。 The 31-year-old told Radio 1 Newsbeat: They wanted an Englis...