• girls of prey 肉食女

    14-11-06 Girls of prey are women who chase boys all the time, expressing their affection for them once they have the target. 肉食女就是那些主动追求男性的女性。一旦看见中意的男性,就会如饿虎扑食一样主动表达爱意,且完全不顾旁观者的诧异目光。 As the opposite of...

  • 研究揭示恐龙前爪的新作用

    14-05-08 Theropod(兽脚亚目的) dinosaurs, a group which includes such famous species as Tyrannosaurus rex and Velociraptor, are often regarded as carnivorous and predatory animals, using their sharp teeth and claws to capture and dispatch prey. However, a d...

  • 动物体表保护色的演变史

    14-03-12 Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery -- especially in the predator/prey/poison cycle. In nature, bright colors are basically neon signs(霓虹灯) that scream, Don't eat me! But how did prey evolve these characteristics? When did predators...

  • 高隐秘机动性使花蜜蝙蝠可以捕食昆虫

    13-12-13 A nectar-feeding bat that was thought to eat insects in passing has been discovered to target its moving prey with stealth(秘密) precision, according to new research by a scientist at Queen Mary University of London. The researchers uncovered for...

  • 海马是高效快速的海中捕手

    13-11-29 Seahorses are slow, docile(温顺的) creatures, but their heads are perfectly shaped to sneak up and quickly snatch prey, according to marine scientists from The University of Texas at Austin. A seahorse is one the slowest swimming fish that we know...

  • 猎豹有独特的捕猎技巧

    13-09-06 A new research study has revealed that the cheetah(猎豹) , the world's fastest land animal, matches and may even anticipate the escape tactics of different prey when hunting, rather than just relying on its speed and agility(敏捷) as previously...

  • 剑齿虎的灭绝与食物匮乏无关

    12-12-29 In the period just before they went extinct, the American lions and saber-toothed cats that roamed North America in the late Pleistocene were living well off the fat of the land. That is the conclusion of the latest study of the microscopic wear pat...

  • 靠振动吸引异性的昆虫易被蜘蛛捕食

    11-03-30 Insects using vibration to attract a mate are at risk of being eaten alive by killer spiders, Cardiff University scientists have discovered. Studying spider behaviour experts from Cardiff University's School of Biosciences found that the vibrations...

  • 人类活动如何影响动物捕食

    11-03-04 A new paper by University of Calgary researchers, published today in PLoS ONE, demonstrates the edge given to prey in the space race by human activity. The research was conducted by two University of Calgary students, a University of Calgary Post-Do...

  • 科学家发现天然的杀虫剂

    10-07-19 In the battle between insect predators(捕食者) and their prey, chemical signals called kairomones(利它素) serve as an early-warning system. Pervasively emitted by the predators, the compounds are detected by their prey, and can even trigger adap...