• 霸王龙曾像狼群一样成群捕食?

    21-05-16 霸王龙是否比我们想象中的更善于交际?一直以来,科学家们都曾以为霸王龙是离群索居的食肉动物,喜欢独自捕食和生活。然而,来自美国阿肯色大学的一组古生物学家可能发现了有关这种可怕动物的一个新理论。 The theory that tyrannosaurs were social animals was first...

  • 新研究重新探索斑马条纹背后的奥秘

    21-02-08 很长一段时间以来,科学家们一直试图弄明白斑马的身上为什么有条纹,以及这种独特的黑白图案到底是如何帮助它们抵御潜在的掠食者的袭击。早期的博物学家就此提出了 运动眩晕 理论,但科学家们发现,动物运动时的保护机制可能另有原因。 Its something thats puzzled bi...

  • 变色龙如何捕捉猎物

    16-06-22 Despite their nonchalant appearance, chameleons are formidable predators, capturing their prey by whipping out their tongues with incredible precision. They can even capture preys weighing up to 30% of their own weight. In collaboration with the Mus...

  • 展颈蛛科蜘蛛攻击猎物时快如闪电

    16-04-08 Mecysmaucheniidae spiders, which live only in New Zealand and southern South America, dont look like much. They are drab and tiny spiders that hunt for prey on the ground. But researchers reporting in the Cell Press journal Current Biology on April...

  • 蝙蝠捕食时是快速的决策者

    15-03-20 Bats are not as stereotyped when they hunt as previously believed. New research shows that these flying mammals are capable of making ultra-fast decisions about how to attack their prey -- or maybe even call off the attack. It takes only millisecond...