• 图灵画像将印在新版50英镑

    19-07-16 Famous World War II codebreaker Alan Turing is to feature on the new 50-pound bank note, the Bank of England announced Monday. 英格兰银行周一宣布,二战时期著名的电码译员阿兰图灵的画像将出现在新版50镑纸币上。 The 50-pound note will be the last of the...

  • regrexit 悔脱

    16-07-27 As global stock markets tumbled and the value of the pound plummeted to a 30-year low following the United Kingdoms vote to leave the European Union, it appears that some people are now having serious regrets. 英国公投离开欧盟的结果出炉后,全球股市...

  • To prove it 验证

    14-07-09 Someone asked a little boy: Is a pound of lead heavier than a pound of feathers? The boy quickly replied: Of course it is. When he was told You are wrong. They both weigh the same, he insisted that a pound of lead is the heavier. He said: To prove i...

  • Pound clears $1.70 against dollar 英镑对美元汇率1.70

    09-08-05 The pound has continued to gain against the dollar, rising above $1.70 for the first time since October on optimism about the UK economy. 英镑对于美元汇率持续上涨,自去年10月英国经济前景乐观之后第一次超过了1.70。 Sterling forged(锻造的) higher on...
